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Shut Up & Dribble

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LeBron James has come under fire like never before after wading into the NBA’s China controversy. On Monday, the Los Angeles Lakers star finally broke his silence on the tweet heard around the world: Daryl Morey’s message of support for the Hong Kong protestors that’s threatened to upset the multibillion-dollar relationship between the NBA and the Chinese market it has spent three decades cultivating.
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This is propaganda because
The tag line is racist propaganda.


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    Kayla Ramirez-Delgado
    Wed, 11/06/2019 - 22:48
    Kayla Ramirez-Delgado
    I rated this propaganda as beneficial because I agree what the caption " Believe in Something. Unless you are criticizing China". After this week I realized how many companies are afraid to criticize China and I understand the power they hold but what people have opinions on in their personal life should not affect the business side of their life. I also agree with Lebron being the background because he seems to only support China because their affiliation to Nike which makes Lebron millions in money every year.
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    Emily Barden
    Thu, 11/07/2019 - 00:08
    Emily Barden
    I find this particular piece of propaganda beneficial because it is calling out the hypocrisy of James' actions in relation to his brand values. James has had a long time partnership with Nike, whose
    relatively new brand slogan is, "Believe in something". This piece of propaganda shows a close up black and white picture of James, with the infamous quote. Underneath the quote says, "Unless you are criticizing China" At the bottom of the picture is the Chinese Flag that says, "Just Shut Up and Dribble", which replaces the Nike Swoosh and the brands other slogan, "Just do it"
    This propaganda is in response to James comments made about Houston Rockets GM, Daryl Morey, tweet in support of Hong Kong protesters. To paraphrase, James thought Morey was misinformed about the situation and should of waited for a better time to tweet. Also, he wanted to cancel conferences, so players would not be asked about their thoughts on this situation. People are speculating that his comments were in response to him losing business deals within China over these comments. It shows that he cares more about the money than basic human rights.
    This propaganda insinuates that James only wants people to believe in something, when it is not interfering with his business deals with China
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    Alli P.
    Thu, 11/07/2019 - 01:20
    Alli P.
    I rated this on the more harmful side. Members of the NBA are as much citizens that should be concerned about their country and global politics as much as they are people who play basketball for entertainment. Everyone has a right to stand up for what they believe in, and if they don’t they risk losing whatever that is. Propaganda like this, when shown to certain groups of people, may be seen as legitimate. This is what makes it harmful. People may truly think that players need to “shut up and dribble” when they have every right to be involved in politics. We cannot be afraid to criticize other nations. We cannot limit ourselves from standing up for what is right. Propaganda like this may harm our ability to enjoy the freedoms we’re are so greatly given.

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