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Toni Harris Toyota

Background Information
Toyota released a 2019 Super Bowl commercial featuring Toni Harris, a free safety for East L.A. Community College who early in 2018 became one of the first women in history to be offered a college football scholarship.
The commercial starts with a person in a hoodie loading a bag into the trunk of a (Toyota) car on a running track. “They’ve said a lot of things about Toni Harris,” a narrator says, as shots of Harris training and growing up roll over the screen. “They said she was too small. They said she was too slow. Too weak. They said she’d never get to the next level. Never inspire a new generation. Never get a football scholarship. Yeah, people have made a lot of assumptions about Toni,” he says. “But I’ve never been a big fan of assumptions” Harris cuts in. “And neither have we,” the narrator says. He introduces a new RAV4 Toyota.

The commercial compares Harris’ rise as a football player to Toyota’s development of a car.
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This is propaganda because
This is an inspiring story links together an African-American athlete and a hybrid car that is designed to shatter stereotypes of women and automobiles.


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