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Chinese Military Video for Army Day

Background Information
The 1st of August is the anniversary for the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army of China in 1927. The video was released for that anniversary last year in 2018. Usually, the Chinese government would put out military displays of new weapons and technology accompanied by speeches. Active military personnels get half a day off on this occasion. The video follows various soldiers' stories as they join the military, including scenes of relationships with their family, moments on the battle field with a range of military weapons and is portrayed in the first person narrative that provides an inner monologue of the soldiers.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
- evokes a sense of pride during battlefield scenes, even the monologue contains language that tries to rally the people and inspire others to do the same (volunteer to join the military)
- Patriotism -> soldiers mighty sacrifice for their country with no regrets (glorifying their job, status, identity, heroes of the people)
- evokes strong emotions of sadness and aims to touch people's hearts during scenes of leaving their families
- display of weapons -> to display the power of China and its greatness
- monologue of soldiers -> features individual soldiers to make military state affairs seem more personal and relate to the people


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