"Implement the one-child policy for the purpose of the revolution." (为革命实行计划生育。)



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One-child policy in PRC

Background Information
In the past decades, China conducted the one-child policy to control population growth. Though such act was reasonable in many ways, the message conveyed in the picture was oversimplified and potentially misleading.

The eye-catching lower characters in red said: "implement the one-child policy for the purpose of the revolution". But there was no logical connection between having a single child and revolution. And, the revolution for what?

In the picture, the woman held a bottle with contraception pills in it, and the captions read as provision of contraceptive pills and condoms for free.
Technique Used
Simplify Ideas
This is propaganda because
At that time (in the 70s and 80s), the one-child policy was developed and became the fundamental national policy in the 80s. The government needed a certain propaganda tools, such as the use of pictures, to convey the essence of the idea: to restrict population growth by promoting having only one child per family.

It is not so harmful because the aim of the propaganda is to persuade people to follow the policy, which was beneficial not only to the then China but also to the world, considering the fact that China has the largest population in the world. The only problem with the image is that the message is too simplified and not really informative.


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