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Trump wants vocational, technical education to every American high school

Background Information
This is a link to an "article" that would describe more about how Trump wants vocational, technical education to every American high school, however when you click on the link all it has is a sentence saying the same thing the title does with the source of "Fox Business Videos" above it. People who click on the link and see that there is no description are easily able to see this is misinformation, however people just scrolling on Facebook not bothering to click the link will assume it is a real article and take it as true information, which could ultimately sway their opinion of him.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This is propaganda because it has a specific goal of communicating this message about Trump with intent to circulate among a large group of people and create a reaction. As known, propaganda involves reinforcing existing beliefs, changing perceptions, and or activating an emotional response / provoking a behavior. This ad does just that for those who support Trump and to persuade others who do not support him to do so because of the claim made that he supports vocational, technical education. It's funny, I saw this as a shared post on my Facebook feed from someone I know and another person commented on the post that saw it and said "propaganda".


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