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McConnell vs. the Republican Party

Background Information
The news article is written by David Leonhardt of the New York Times. This article is about Senator Mitch McConnell and the supposed things he has done to criticize his own political party. The article talks about what McConnell has done and how his actions reflect his views on the Biden administration, Trump, and the current events that are happening across the country. The clear purpose of this article is to make McConnell seem like the antagonist. This article is very one sided and seems to be siding on bringing up all the negative and crude things in his past and present. I wouldn't say the authors really think this way about McConnell, rather this is the view they, the media, would like the general public to uphold... possibly to get him out of office seeing he's held his position since 1985? The audience for the article is people who are interested in politics and who have strong opinions on the politicians in this year's government, preferably Republicans. This is a news article in the way of an online article.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
This article has the properties of propaganda because it clearly has wording and ideas that gets the audience to oppose Mitch McConnell and what he's been doing. It's clearly biased and isn't fair in representing all the sides of what McConnell has done. The article mentions in the beginning how McConnell "boasted about his desire to damage the presidencies of both Barack Obama and Joe Biden." (Leonhardt, 2). This proves they are trying to paint McConnell as the bad guy, also plus the article has little to do with Obama and is just reaching for another reason to bash McConnell. I would argue that this piece does more damage than good because it doesn't give the reader the free mind to choose for themselves and sort of forces this opinion onto them as they are reading. Ethos is used in this primarily to disrupt McConnell's credibility as a seasoned politician.


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