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Why the Vaccinated Need to Wear Helmets

Background Information
This article/video is from FreeWorldNews an organization run by radical conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. The site promotes far-right views and seeks to increase revenue by advertising products such as shelf-stable food and various supplements that are owned and sold by FreeWorldNews or their affiliates.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
The video begins with a clip of a standup comedian who recently was vaccinated passing out at a stand up performance and hitting her head. The newscaster then says that everyone who is vaccinated should wear helmets or else they might injure their heads and take up space in the hospital. A caller to the news program insinuates that Bob Saget's death from head trauma could be related or caused by receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. The video seeks to activate the emotion of fear and the article conveniently links to a "health" supplement called Survival Shield X-3 that os sold by a company also owned by the owners of FreeWorldNews. The article creates fear of the Covid vaccine while also offering a health product. It does everything except outwardly state that you do not need the vaccine because it is dangerous and the supplements that they are selling are a safer alternative.


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