Batman has white privilege



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Batman get away with things since he is a White Man

Background Information
This is a Twitter post by Randall Otis. The audience is obviously for his Twitter followers, however, this could potentially reach anyone. I feel that this post is directed towards the police force and white people. It is criticizing them and their action without really having to say anything. Batman has part of his white skin shown to people to protect himself from the police questioning or detaining him.
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This is propaganda because
Police brutality affects a lot of minority communities, especially the Black and Latino community. Your skin color in America chooses whether you get to live or not. This is beneficial because it opens your eyes to how white people can get away with extreme offenses such as mass murder, but minorities can commit petty crimes or not even do anything and still get sentenced to jail or get the death sentence.


  1. user-avatar
    Joey C
    Thu, 02/17/2022 - 02:35
    Joey C
    Hey Adrian!

    I really enjoyed your examples of propaganda. I was wondering where you may have seen these examples and if your initial reaction was different to the perspective you may have now after doing research? All of my ratings were not typical to other viewers. My theory is that I have a much more empathetic approach than others and I typically see both sides of an argument. The Chinese virus tweet from President Trump is a prime example of seeing both sides of a perspective. It demonstrates that contemporary propaganda is similar to art in the sense that it is subjective to the viewer in my opinion.

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