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Anti Same-Sex Marriage Mailer
Background Information
The National Organization for Marriage blanket mailed out this postcard after Gay Marriage was legalized in New York State.
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This is propaganda because
This postcard is propaganda because it targets a specific audience (parents) & plays on perceived fear by asserting that legalized gay marriage endangers children's innocence. This postcard is meant to increase support for a cause. Yes, dangerous.
This propaganda is offencive to me because gay marriage does not reduce a child's innocence in the slightest. A child of a gay family would understand that each family situation is different and that having two mothers or two fathers is just something that makes their family special. This does not encourage the child to be gay or to believe that srtaight couples are wrong, but it instead teaches them to except each person as they are, no matter how different that is, and it also teaches them that not every relationship is the same and that being different is not a bad thing.
This propoganda is very offencive and I do not agree with it. Our society needs to accept that love is a gift from the heavens and that it should be celebrated, no matter what gender the people in love are.
There is no evidence that gay marriage is bad either. I have seen gay couples raise heterosexual individuals.
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