This stuff fake



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Moon Landing Faked?

Background Information
Some people think that this photo reveals that the moon landing was faked in a movie studio. In 1999, a Gallup poll showed that 6% of Americans said they thought the lunar landings were fake, and 5% said they were undecided. The basic template of the conspiracy theory is that NASA couldn’t manage to safely land a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s as President John F Kennedy had promised, so it only sent astronauts into Earth orbit. Conspiracy theorists then argue that NASA staged the moon landings in a film studio and that there are tell-tale signs on the footage and the photos that give the game away. They claim that NASA has covered up the elaborate hoax ever since. Moon landing skeptics point to supposed clues such as photos that appear to show the astronauts in front of cross hairs that were etched on the camera glass, or a mysterious letter C visible on a moon rock. These and many other seeming anomalies have been debunked, but moon landing conspiracy theories have persisted in the popular imagination.
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This is propaganda because
A conspiracy theory is an effort to activate emotion and influence public opinion. In this case, it's harmful to destroy trust in space science.


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