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SeaWorld's Facts About Their Killer Whales

Background Information
SeaWorld Commercial: Facts About SeaWorld's Killer Whales. The spot is running on CNN, which was the network which repeatedly broadcast the documentary BLACKFISH, which was highly critical of the way the theme park handles whales.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
SeaWorld has vigorously fought back to its critics since the documentary was aired. This spot is part of that effort. In the video, SeaWorld employees respond to some of the accusations of its killer whale program and ends with "...we love them. And we know that you do, too."


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    Thu, 07/30/2015 - 02:21
    What was CNNs reason for sponsoring and running a advertisement that runs counter to a popular, critically acclaimed documentary that they themselves promoted on their channel? Who is calling the shots?
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    Kara Clayton
    Tue, 08/25/2015 - 01:01
    Kara Clayton
    This ad is presented in a way that makes us want to believe what the spokespeople in the advertisement are saying. They are smiling and friendly. They seem approachable. However, just about everything they are saying is false. Orcas in captivity do NOT live as long as Orcas who are free. There is a plethora of scientific evidence that disputes every one of Sea World's claims in this article. While PETA is one source of counter information, they are often not deemed reputable due to the amount of propaganda they spread as well. I highly recommend that people who want to learn more about this issue, look at factual information coming from The Center for Whale Research and Orca Network. These are non-profit, educational organizations who are not seeking to fill their parking lots with paying customers. Why is SeaWorld using this ad campaign? It's a result of a huge loss of quarterly profits. Blackfish has opened eyes.
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    Tue, 09/29/2015 - 00:34


    Sort of effective
  1. user-avatar
    Tue, 09/29/2015 - 00:37
    I think this is benificial because it supports the animals at Sea World.
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    Tue, 09/29/2015 - 00:39
    We think this video is mostly beneficial!

    The technique used here is euphenism!

    We think this propaganda is pretty effective!
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    mack W.
    Tue, 09/29/2015 - 00:41
    mack W.
    Mostly harmful
    euphumism, because seaworld is still a place that keeps animals from where they are supposed to be, but this propaganda makes them seem nice.
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    Tue, 09/29/2015 - 00:59

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    Tue, 09/29/2015 - 04:07
    Beneficial, euphenism.
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    Eli & Lizzie
    Wed, 09/30/2015 - 05:04
    Eli & Lizzie
    In my opinion this isnt good or bad, its neutral. The reasoning being that they're taking animals from the wild, that isnt a good thing. But they still live the normal extent of a normal whale, so that is okay. But they shouldnt take animals from the wild even if they are taking care of them and making them happy because that is clearly wrong. What if you were that animal being taken from the wild?
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    Wed, 11/18/2015 - 01:46
    It is nice to see Sea World's side of the argument in relation to the BLACKFISH documentary. However, this commercial fails to address some of the major issues of the documentary: cage sizes, treatment, and breeding killer whales with a history of violence. The name of the website leads us to believe that Sea World holds the "true facts" of what happens in their parks exclusively on their website- when any critically thinking person would know that Sea World is only going to say good things about themselves. As with any argument I am sure the truth about Sea World as a whole lies somewhere between their claims and the documentary footage... But this doesn't do much to sway me in Sea World's direction.
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    Khory R.
    Sun, 11/22/2015 - 05:23
    Khory R.
    This is clearly a response to the audience. Specifically the response is to the claims in the Blackfish documentary. I think it is somewhat harmful in that it attempts to refute claims made in a film over an hour in length in less than one minute. This leaves very little time for analytical claims. It's very nice that they have the "highest standard of care in the world" but what is this information based on? Who are they being compared to?

    I also think a SeaWorld website is the last place I'd go for the truth regarding their practices. I think it is interesting that they mounted a campaign like this in the first place but I also believe they could do a much better job of stating their case with substantive information. Lack of true substance is what makes this ineffective and somewhat harmful.
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    Fri, 12/11/2015 - 20:12
    I think it is helpful to themselves that they fought back against the critics
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    Nerissa Edwards
    Mon, 04/18/2016 - 05:39
    Nerissa Edwards
    I feel like this commercial is a cover up for all of the bad things that happen at Sea World. I know quite a bit about what happens at Sea World and don't believe this commercial at all.
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    m cordero
    Sat, 11/11/2017 - 06:40
    m cordero
    While I completely agree, the creators of this video definitely build this message to responded to the needs of the audience it also dominantly Over Simplified Ideas. The use of repetition of the same thought between the two professionals enforces the trueness of the message and the appeal to authority reinforces the desired ethos.
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    Sat, 11/11/2017 - 12:59
    It seems as if they are begging the audience to not watch Black Fish.

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