Words can hurt photo



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Words can hurt

Background Information
This propaganda image is about the verbal abuse, and also an inter-familiar violence. This is how the verbal aggression could affect many people and also many families. Violence is not always physical abuse, this is more common in men abusing women.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
I think this propaganda has the technique of the active emotions, why? Because in this image, is about a man yelling to a women and from the mouth of the men is a hang punching the women, it teaches you that yelling is also a type of violence.


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    Wed, 11/18/2015 - 10:46
    I was surprised to see 50% found this to be harmful. I think this visually explains that words can do serious damage and is effective, not harmful.
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    Sat, 11/21/2015 - 07:53
    I think this is a good way to visualize just how harmful verbal abuse can be. Abuse is abuse. It needs to stop.
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    Zachary J. Davis
    Sun, 11/22/2015 - 07:36
    Zachary J. Davis
    There seems to be an overstated perspective here, and needless to say, there is still a difference between physical and verbal abuse. One cannot tread verbal abuse the same way one treats physical abuse. In addition, it makes men the villains... it can go both ways.
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    Erendy Torres
    Thu, 04/14/2016 - 03:33
    Erendy Torres
    I think this image is strong enough to be propaganda, but I do not think it was intended to be propaganda. However, it could be used for that purpose. I think that this image portrays a strong message that can be utilized as propaganda. Though this image does not contain any words, it still creates a strong message: words can hurt. This image is not harmful. Though it looks like a violent picture, in contrast, it is meant to show how words can hurt someone. Physical violence is not the only way to hurt someone. Most of the time, words can be more hurtful than physical altercations. The message this image is trying to portray is helpful for everyone. Though most of us already know that words can hurt, seeing it portrayed in an image creates a stronger message. Any situation that involves verbal abuse is a reason to use this image. It does not matter if the verbal abuse is between spouses, siblings, or friends, this image can be used for any of these encounters. The mental processing example that this image appeals to the most is the central processing route. Since the central processing requires more mental effort, this image acts as an example to this route. Because there is no written messages on the image, the receiver of the message needs to be more involved in the image. The person looking at this image should have involvement in order to understand the message. Most people should feel inclined to this image because most people know that words can hurt other people’s feelings. It is safe to say that the majority of people have some experience with hurting someone for what they said or being hurt by someone else’s words. This means that the central processing is effective in this example, because many people can relate to this message.
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    Nichole Kripal
    Thu, 04/14/2016 - 10:14
    Nichole Kripal
    This is propaganda because it is trying to discourage verbal abuse and recognizes this is an issue among the population. This is also trying to accomplish ending the abuse and triggering people's emotions at the same time. This can be harmful because it is connecting men to violence when women can be connected as well. Another reason why this can be harmful is because not only is this against verbal abuse but it is showing a fist hitting the woman, eluding that physical abuse may follow the verbal abuse. This can be helpful because as extreme as it looks nevertheless this is getting people's attention. If the point can get across even through shocking means then the propaganda has accomplished what it came to do. Different situations and social forces may have influenced this propaganda, for instance the rise in reported abuse, depression from relationships..etc. This propaganda reflect the central and peripheral processing, it is suppose to motivate the viewers to not engage in this behavior, to understand the true meaning of what verbal abuse does, but also shows appearance cues as a way to get the point across. These types of mental processing may shock people into message but understanding the meaning behind the visual picture and setting aside the fact its a woman being hit can result in a positive outlook.
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    Arlene Zamora
    Thu, 04/14/2016 - 12:12
    Arlene Zamora
    I think this strong image is propaganda because it’s promoting awareness of verbal abuse. Not just physical abuse is damaging, but more often verbal abuse is the hardest to deal with. This example of propaganda activates emotions because it is such an impacting image to see. We’ve all heard about physical abuse but we never stop to think about verbal abuse as a problem. This picture could be harmful in that it insinuates that where there is verbal abuse there is also physical abuse, and the fact that only men are portrayed as the attacker in this case. Not to mention the emotions it would cause someone who is going through this. This can be helpful because the image is definitely attention grabbing so you can’t just walk past it. It’s sort of a PSA that can help people stand up against this type of abuse or acknowledge that verbal abuse is also just as bad as physical. The situations or social forces that led to the creation of this example can range from an increase in domestic violence to a movement to help protect those in this situations to get help or for other to take initiative to help someone in a similar situation. I think this example appeals most to central processing. The ELM model says that high involvement increases the likelihood of central processing. I think this picture sparks involvement from both bystanders and those facing verbal abuse to recognize that it is an issue and to stand up against it. What this means for the persistence of this message is that this powerful image sets the tone for what some people face on a daily basis from someone around them. This can help them put things into context and persuade them to leave their abuser. We all know or have heard of someone in a situation like this and it once more reminds us to recognize that it is not okay.
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    Colleen Cabral
    Thu, 04/14/2016 - 13:33
    Colleen Cabral
    This image does not seem like propaganda because it appears more like a public service announcement. However, I believe it is propaganda because it influences us to look at verbal abuse in a new perspective. It was created to demonstrate verbal damage in a more physical manner. Because we are unable to see shouted words, the fist was used to symbolize the abuse. The frowning victim represented the harm that is caused by the abuse.
    The image could be harmful because it is graphic. The victim’s expression looks realistic, and it creates pathos with the audience. However, the image itself is helpful for us to look at verbal abuse in another perspective. Situations that lead to the creation of this example are verbal abuse itself.
    This image uses the central route to change the behavior of future abuse. By seeing a visual of how verbal aggression is harmful, it may change the perspectives of others to change their ways.
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    Jeremy Ferguson
    Fri, 04/15/2016 - 07:51
    Jeremy Ferguson
    I don’t think this picture is propaganda. It isn’t conveying a strong message and isn’t using unethical strategies of persuasion. In fact I don’t see the message easily at all. I get it. That words hurt and emotional abuse is bad just like physical abuse, but it isn’t a strong message and doesn’t have that powerful message I believe messages need to be propaganda. It could be harmful because it doesn’t show the direct impact of the action so some might not be able to relate the picture to the message. It could also be helpful because if someone sees it and does get the message than hopefully they do something to help improve the problem of emotional abuse. Abuse definitely led to this picture. Unfortunately it does exist and needs to be addressed. It uses both the central and peripheral route because if someone doesn’t understand the message it may be delivered peripherally and they might not realize it till late, but if it’s central they’ll realize it right away and analyze the message. It doesn’t do much for the persistence of the message but if they want a more powerful message they should add more power to make it primarily central route processing.
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    Dionely Acosta
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 00:35
    Dionely Acosta
    This is propaganda because it is trying to create the message about how strong words can have an effect on a human. Although most people think of physical abuse, they need to realize that emotional abuse can hurt the person just as bad and leave them feeling sad, upset, or decrease their self-esteem. The element of harm that could exist is that for some people it can be too brutal of a picture. Just the fact that the woman is getting hit sends a strong message. It can also be misinterpreted because it seems as if men are the one that can cause the emotional abuse when in fact it could be the other way around and the women can be causing non-verbal abuse to the man.This could be helpful because people might not be aware the high extent that words can have on another person whether it be relationships with friends, families, or significant others.The situation that leads to this example is that there can be times where the victims don't realize that they are being emotionally abused and don’t go out to seek help. On the other hand, sometimes the person who is attacking the victim may not notice the harm they are doing and might believe is just a simple argument when in fact it isn’t. This can be taken as a peripheral message only because the person might reject it if they feel it doesn’t apply to their life or don’t see it going on in their surroundings. This type of mental processing means that viewers can either take the message in a negative or positive way in the sense that perhaps they won’t take into consideration that it is a serious issue going on in the world.
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    Duyen Ho
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 01:29
    Duyen Ho
    This is propaganda because the image is trying to persuade the audience to stop verbal abuse. How could this be harmful? (it may be more or less so, but what elements of harm could exist?) The image can be harmful because it shows that the male is verbally abusing the female, but there are females who verbally abuse males as well. How could this be helpful? (it may be more or less so, but what elements of helpfulness could exist?) Though, the image is helpful because it is shining light to verbal abuse and what it does to people. The social force that led to this was people turning their backs on signs of abuse and sometimes not knowing if yelling could even be considered abuse. The mental processing for this is central, because it requires the audience to look into more of the picture and to research about it to understand the picture. The persistence for this image is high because it is a problem in society that needs to be fixed.
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    Ezequiel Ramos
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 02:51
    Ezequiel Ramos
    I believe this is propaganda because it utilizes the use of activating strong emotions. This ad however, can be seen as harmful if taken out of context. If younger kids we’re to see this without any prior knowledge, I believe they would interpret the message the wrong way. However, this could be helpful because it was insinuate that words can have damaging effects. It could help prevent domestic violence and prevent others from talking down to others. Domestic violence is common in American and is what lead to this ad. It was aimed to prevent or educate others that this is a serious issue that many of us face. I believe this ad relates to the central route processing because it involves the individual to look more deeply into the message. Without any words, it allows the individual to think about the message. I believe the central route processing helps this message convey their ad and will make it last longer.
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    Marissa Rey
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 04:11
    Marissa Rey
    Verbal abuse is obviously shown in this image and is a powerful form of propaganda. It shows how verbal abuse is such a powerful way of showing all forms of abuse and is important to know that these type of things can be directed to woman that abuse does not need to be a form of action to be heard it can be as little as words that make a huge difference. It shows deep emotions and can appeal to our central route decisions about how verbal abuse can change our attitudes on what abuse can do to a person. This is image is not negative in any way but informs us about the power of words and abuse.
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    Bree Reyes
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 11:41
    Bree Reyes
    The image about verbal abuse is a form of propaganda because it appeals to active emotions, due to the emotion that is being shown in the overall image. It evokes a kind of sadness, and maybe anger, because words can be just as harmful as a physical punch, yet people continue to be verbally abusive. It could be harmful because it is reinforcing the idea that men are the ones who are physically and mentally abusive, not women. Gender stereotypes are in effect here, even if it is unintentional. However, this kind of propaganda could also be helpful because It brings awareness to the emotional and physical turmoil people have to go through when faced with verbal abuse. Social forces like domestic violence and depression are two issues that are seen in this example, because verbal abuse can evoke both of these problems. This example uses central processing, because even though the image is simple, with no words and involving two people, it forces the consumer to think about what they are seeing, and portrays a universal value that verbal abuse is just as unethical and physical abuse. Due to this kind of processing, this message will be long lasting.
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    dyanne dumas
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 12:07
    dyanne dumas
    This is a very powerful image and as such it plays upon anxieties and fears which makes it propaganda. It is not a harmful video since it just advocates the fact that verbal aggression is also a type of violence. This video might be needed to combat domestic violence and that is why it was created. I believe that it is a form of central processing propaganda since it compels someone to compare it to their own life and look deeply into the message. This will leave a more everlasting mark on their viewers.
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    Lawrence Thompkins II
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 13:11
    Lawrence Thompkins II
    This propaganda is displaying the power a persons words has over whoever they are meant for. Words are not harmless and do pack a lot consequences, sometimes leading toward suicide. Cyber bullying has taken on a rapid increase with the creation of more social media. Looking at this example will be helpful rather than harmful to its viewer.
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    Michelle Pineda
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 13:47
    Michelle Pineda

    The image about verbal abuse is a form of propaganda trying to spread the message that this is also a form of abuse. This image can be harmful because many people think yelling or saying mean things aren't a big deal but in reality it does do lots of damage. This image can be helpful with showing people that this is as hurtful as physical abuse. Social forces that may cause this is how people stay quiet when this abuse is being done to them. It brings a bright spotlight on to this topic to bring attention to this type of abuse. According to the ELM model, this image takes the central route and brings out cognitive elaboration to people. With this image, it gets people to critically think about what is going on in the picture. The persistence of this image will hopefully guide people to think more positive about their actions.

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    Deysy Perez
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 13:50
    Deysy Perez
    This is propaganda because it shows verbal abuse, and the words are illustrated by the fist coming out of the man’s mouth, hitting the woman. This activates strong emotion, and it shocks the viewer. This could be harmful because it is a shocking image to see a fist coming out of the man’s mouth, its almost comical in my opinion, until the eye veers towards the woman. It could also be harmful because younger children may not have the capacity to process what this true represents, and it also shows the man being violent towards the woman, which is one sided. This could be helpful because it could help show the public that violence exists in words, and verbal abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. This ad can raise awareness on the harmful effects of verbal abuse. Central processing appeals to this ad because it requires viewers to see it, reflect on it, and scrutinize what it actually means, and come to the conclusion that verbal abuse is harmful and people shouldn’t stand by it, or accept it. The shocking aspect of a woman getting punched makes the audience more involved in trying to dissect the message of the ad. The persistence of the message will last longer.b

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    David Cabaldon
    Sat, 04/16/2016 - 14:08
    David Cabaldon
    This photo is likely addressing domestic violence in married relationships. Out of the four examples, this one seems the least like propaganda to me, however, the goal is to elicit emotions in the viewer, particularly anger and sadness. There are no words, and so this allows the picture to be interpreted multiple ways… it could be a photo solely addressing verbal abuse, making the statement that words are just as painful as physical abuse, or it could be addressing both physical and verbal abuse. It also hints at gender stereotypes and domestic violence often being driven by the male partner in a heterosexual marriage. This image is helpful because it brings attention to domestic violence; the only negative I can see is that because the male is the one who is inciting the violence, it only indirectly addresses the fact that women can also instigate domestic violence as well. I believe this is an example of central processing, as there are no words, and because there are multiple interpretations, it causes the viewer to have to mentally involve themselves in the action. All audiences members have an understanding of having been given hurtful words, and so they can associate emotionally to the image.

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