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Background Information
The video activate our emotions because we see girls thinking about themselves looking into the mirror while Donald Trump says us/ them that they are fat and so on. We feel with the girls who are indirectly attacked.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
It is an advertisement for Hillary Clinton at the president elections of 2016. It was put into the internet on the 23 of September 2016 by her campaign team. The video switches between young girls and bad statements over woman by Donald Trump.


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    Ms. G
    Tue, 11/01/2016 - 21:22
    Ms. G
    This ad is reductive and takes things that Donald Trump has said out of context. This is a good example of how propaganda can be used in politics to persuade voters. If voters were undecided as to which candidate they were voting for, this ad may be enough to persuade them because it paints Trump in an extremely negative light. It's meant to activate anger in the viewer which they hope will translate to anger on election day.
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    Abel Ortiz
    Tue, 11/08/2016 - 08:05
    Abel Ortiz
    I believe that many things that Mr. Trump has said have been taken up to a certain degree out of context. I know that he may have said disrespectful words against some people, but here the Clinton campaign is using these phrases as a tool to let know voters he is not a good person. It is emotional of course, I do not know how those words in the video clips were said and when but I know all is put in a way that benefits Hillary.
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    Wed, 04/25/2018 - 02:13
    The first statement is put in a way as if Clinton herself is a bearer of a certain image, brand, value-system itself. Very, very smart propaganda formulation which always amazes me - how language and words can hold so much information in their semantic structure.
    Inserts of Trump's hate speech is pretty explicit and simple in it's effect. Clinton's team literally used his words against him. Opposed to his statements there are video sequences of girls and women of different ages and races. All is underlined with melancholic music leading the viewer's instincutal first response and emotions.
    Did Trump say all that? Obviously. But the question here is, is this harmfully intended propaganda? It sure is.

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