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Background Information
This ad illustrates the technique I picked because it tries to scare people so that they don't smoke.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This is an anti-smoking ad that tries to scare smokers into stopping by saying all the bad things in cigarettes.


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    Matthew Coleman
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 05:14
    Matthew Coleman
    This piece of propaganda is trying to convince people to stop smoking and stop funding the tobacco companies. This ad uses fear to get its message across. There is a sick/dying person being made out of the cigarette smoke. It's trying to show that cigarettes hurt/kill you. The wording is confusing and could be more clear.
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    Liam Larkin
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:30
    Liam Larkin
    The propagandist here is trying to show people some scary statistics of death to to smoking so people can quit. Here, the propagandist is using Logos because there are facts and stats. I find this to be beneficial because it can convince people to quit or convince them to stop smoking.
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    Ms. Mannion
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:42
    Ms. Mannion
    I also notice that the cigarettes in the left-hand image are positioned so as to look like the smokestacks of factories, which connects to the idea that Big Tobacco profits from an unhealthy product.
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    Sammyboy Bouffard
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:17
    Sammyboy Bouffard
    The imagery in this is a really good way of showing active emotion because it makes the cigarettes look threatening. Also, saying that tobacco companies "own" smokers is a good way of making people think negatively of these companies.
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    Natalie Curtiss
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:21
    Natalie Curtiss
    In this piece of propaganda they are using symbolism to get the point across that smoking is very harmful. They used two cigarettes to portray smokestacks, which pollute our air with harmful chemicals. I think they used that image to show the relationship between the smokestacks and the cigarettes because cigarettes also have chemicals that can lead to death, which is shown in the statistic on the propaganda.
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    Althea Tayobong
    Wed, 01/25/2017 - 05:41
    Althea Tayobong
    It's beneficial for us because it's good for the environment and the people living in the whole world.
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    Althea Tayobong
    Wed, 01/25/2017 - 05:41
    Althea Tayobong
    It's beneficial for us because it's good for the environment and the people living in the whole world.
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    Althea Tayobong
    Wed, 01/25/2017 - 05:41
    Althea Tayobong
    It's beneficial for us because it's good for the environment and the people living in the whole world.
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    Gavin Mount
    Tue, 01/23/2018 - 21:19
    Gavin Mount
    This image is trying to make me fear smoking. Its saying that the tobacco in cigarettes have chemicals in it that are extremely harmful to the body.

    I think this is effective in persuading people into stopping smoking because its basically telling you that if you keep smoking you will die.
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    John D'Angelo
    Tue, 01/23/2018 - 21:30
    John D'Angelo
    This one starts of with an instant use of pathos. Seeing the fallen twin towers recreated with cigarettes will associate one bad thing with another. This would definitely cause a hateful reaction to cigarettes. It follows this up with a use of logos that would shock anybody, and then more pathos to convince you to quit smoking.

    This is the most effective propaganda I've seen to make people quit smoking in my life. The constant toying with emotions, and logos being used to further convince the reader is sure to make a smoker at least think twice before lighting their next cigarette.

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