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Background Information
This advertisement uses fear in order to influence its audience. It shows a dead body and says "Smoking kills" to show you that you will die if you smoke. This advertisement is trying to convince its audience to not smoke.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This is an anti smoking ad warning about the dangers of teen smoking.


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    Michael Midthassel
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:23
    Michael Midthassel
    Most anti-smoking adds are effective because they really show the costs of smoking. It says that over 440,000 Americans die each year of smoking, and 90% of them were teen smokers. The ad is trying to convey that smoking is very bad for you and it can cost your life as a result of it.
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    Jessica Sindel
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:24
    Jessica Sindel
    I agree that this piece of propaganda is used to activate fear within smokers, slogan is also used in the piece when it says "smoking kills". This piece is beneficial because it's advertising a campaign and the goal of the campaign is to stop people from smoking.
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    Max Francisco
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:25
    Max Francisco
    This is beneficial because it shows that smoking is dangerous. This is harmful because it could scare people. Overall,it is mostly beneficial.
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    Amanda Evers
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:28
    Amanda Evers
    I like how this one shows one of the possible outcomes of smoking. I feel that the smoking ads now are more beneficial to the non-smoker or someone who may have started smoking because it's supposed to scare them and make them think of what can happen as a result of smoking
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    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:34
    The maker of this piece wants you to think that someone can get addicted to smoking at any age, and it is deadly. The maker wants to persuade you that it isn't worth starting to smoke. A slogan is used here, "Smoking Kills." It is trying to catch peoples' attention. This slogan can also be a glittering generality because is it simply saying in two strong words that you will die. The dead person on the ground is a symbol, and it symbolizes that smoking is like poison. This is more beneficial than harmful because it is trying to tell you that all smoking will do is hurt you; it will not help you. It gives a fact about how many people die of smoking, and people may think to themselves, "Wow. I definitely should not smoke."
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    Sarah Mejias
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:35
    Sarah Mejias
    This propaganda is trying to show people that smoking actually does kill. It causes fear to the viewer because it proves that so many people have died from smoking especially when people start as a teenager. I think this is very beneficial because it gives true statistics which can make people realize how dangerous smoking is.
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    Chloe Mok
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:37
    Chloe Mok
    This propaganda is about how smoking can kill people easily. I think the propaganda technique is activate emotions because it is trying to appeal to people that smoking is bad for people and it can kill people. This propaganda is some what beneficial because it can show someone that you can die from smoking.
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    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:41
    Denisse Astudillo
    In my opinion this kind of advertisements sometimes actually appeal to our emotions and make us feel scared about what could happen if we smoke, so it is beneficial to stop people from smoking and make them reflect about how they're slowly killing themselves if they do so.
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    Nicole Harris
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:41
    Nicole Harris
    This piece of propaganda is trying to emphasize the fact that smoking kills. It evokes fear in the audience because it shows an image of a dead body with a tag "Smoking Kills". The statistics above the body also activate fear because it shows the sheer amount of people who die from smoking-related diseases. I think this ad is beneficial, because it shows that 90% of the smoking-related deaths were from people who started smoking in their teens. This can make younger people realize how addictive smoking can be, and that starting in your teens (or just at all) will never end well. It has the possibility to stop smoking before it starts in a new generation.
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    Haley Burton
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:09
    Haley Burton
    This piece of propaganda emphasizes that smoking kills many people and to not try smoking. It makes people scared that if they smoke, they have a high chance of dying from a sickness that is caused from smoking. This targets mostly teenagers telling them to not try smoking. This poster uses fear to get its point across. This uses fear to get its point across because people are scared of dying and sicknesses. If they see a dead body and the fact that thousands of people die from smoking, they will get scared and either not try smoking or stop. This piece of propaganda is more beneficial because smoking is a dangerous thing that causes harm to many people and the best way to get people to stop is to make them scared. Just plain facts are not doing what is wanted by the propagandist.
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    Olivia Forte
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:11
    Olivia Forte
    The ad shows the words "Smoking Kills" on a tag that looks like a cigarette box to make people symbolize a box of cigarettes as death.
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    Natalie Curtiss
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:16
    Natalie Curtiss
    This piece of propaganda uses statistics to convince people not to smoke. They also use fear by having a dead person, which is supposed to scare people into not smoking. It also says that 90% of them started as teen smokers, which is used to frighten teenagers. I think that this piece of propaganda is beneficial because it uses both fear and statistics to get the point across that smoking is very harmful.
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    Tanner Ash
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:18
    Tanner Ash
    The goal of this propaganda piece is to get people to stop smoking and educate people on the dangers of smoking. The person is obviously dead in a morgue with a tag that says "smoking kills". This obviously implies that the person died from smoking. Also, the design of the tag is similar to the design of a box of Marlboro Cigarettes, an extremely popular brand of cigarettes. This piece mostly relies on fear to get people to stop smoking because people are generally afraid of death. I think this piece is more beneficial than harmful because it shows people what can happen as a result of smoking cigarettes.
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    Danny R
    Wed, 02/01/2017 - 22:43
    Danny R
    I believe that this picture is beneficial because it is a.) accurate; as there is substantial evidence for smoking being harmful for your health, and b.) helpful; as it tries to warn of the dangers of smoking by using an emotional appeal, intending to scare people away from smoking. The tag on the man's foot also resembles a box of Marlboro cigarettes, implying that tobacco corporations are to blame for smoking being harmful.
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    Danny W
    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 02:22
    Danny W
    I believe that the intent of the advertisement makes it beneficial because it's trying to educate people of the consequences related to smoking and save lives, not necessarily tell someone what to do.
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    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 05:42
    The image makes you think of all the people who have died from tobacco. It's very shocking to see the statistic that 90% were teens when they started.
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    Konrad Strzalka
    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 23:32
    Konrad Strzalka
    It's beneficial, because like it tells you the harsh truth about smoking.
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    MaryKate D
    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 23:34
    MaryKate D
    I think it's beneficial because it shows the harsh truth of how much smoking can harm you. The dead body really impacts the audience because it shows the absolute worst thing that smoking can do to you (kill you). I think this really makes people understand that smoking is bad for you.
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    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 23:35
    This is a beneficial message because people should know that smoking is not good for people and that this bad habit needs to stop.
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    Samantha B
    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 23:36
    Samantha B
    This ad was very factual and allowed viewers to see the truth about cancer. It provided a strong visual that helped to symbolize how people are affected by smoking and what smoking can do.
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    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 23:37
    This image successfully shows the harmful effects of smoking as it targets its audience by using the effect of emotion. It demonstrates how terrible smoking is for your body and influences viewers to not smoke.
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    Joshua Demeter
    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 23:37
    Joshua Demeter
    This is very beneficial as it is scientifically proven that smoking can kill you.
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    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 23:39
    This is beneficial because it gives statistics of how many people die from smoking. People become aware of the serious consequences of smoking.
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    Thu, 02/02/2017 - 23:56
    This shows statistics of smoking and makes it obvious that it is bad for you.
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    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 00:20
    I think this is a very effective use of propaganda because it isn't just about opinions. It is about cold hard facts that state that smoking is very unhealthy. The way they display the body in the photo is the way it would be seen in a morgue. I think this adds even more emphasis on how smoking can kill.
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    Mitch K
    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 00:47
    Mitch K
    This is effective and beneficial because clearly smoking has been proven to be harmful for a long time now, and this is a convincing reminder that smoking is a leading cause of death.
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    Tom Eggert
    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 02:31
    Tom Eggert
    This example I think is definitely beneficial. The cause that this propaganda supports has factual evidence and is credible. The message that it conveys, although fearful, has a helpful message to take away. This can stop people from smoking which is good.
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    Adeline Wantuch
    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 02:33
    Adeline Wantuch
    This is helpful because it shows the serious effects that smoking can have on a persons life.
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    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 02:33
    This is helpful because it shows the serious effects that smoking can have on a person.
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    Ashi Patel
    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 02:34
    Ashi Patel
    This is helpful because it serious effects of smoking and how risky it is
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    Katie Owen
    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 02:34
    Katie Owen
    This is helpful because it shows the serious effects of smoking.
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    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 07:13
    It's good because it shows the bad effects of smoking
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    Sat, 02/04/2017 - 11:19
    This ad is more informative and persuasive into delivering the message about how smoking is harmful. The statistics and the image of a dead person's feet makes a strong claim that smoking will just lead to death.
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    Sat, 02/04/2017 - 22:58
    I think this ad is helpful because it warns people about the effects of smoking as it kills many people each year.
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    Sun, 02/05/2017 - 00:14
    I think that this is beneficial because it shows that if you smoke it will pretty much lead to death. There are also statistics to back it up which makes the claim more powerful.
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    Sun, 02/05/2017 - 01:52
    This propaganda is beneficial because it can save lives. It is effective due to its factual evidence.
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    Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:23
    I think this is beneficial because it shows statistics about how much people die from smoking and when the most common age of smoking begins. I also think that the picture of the dead body makes us more aware that that could be you if you start smoking.
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    Sun, 02/05/2017 - 22:48
    This is a creative use of popular smoking branding to get the point across. Smoking is clearly harmful, and this ad shows that by swapping out the ID tag on a body to one that looks like Marlboro.
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    Anna Murawski
    Sun, 02/05/2017 - 22:57
    Anna Murawski
    I think that this ad is good because it is trying to prevent people from smoking, which can cause death. My rating, compared to the majority of others, was that the ad is very beneficial.
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    Elizabeth Jonas
    Sun, 02/05/2017 - 23:54
    Elizabeth Jonas
    This ad of propaganda is extremely effective. It makes the viewer not want to smoke, because the message being sent is that if you do, smoking will kill you.
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    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 00:34
    I think this type of propaganda is very beneficial because it makes teenagers especially aware of the damage smoking can do to your body in the long-term which is good because it steers teens away from smoking, so that they may live a healthier lifestyle instead.
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    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 02:30
    I think this propaganda is beneficial because, although morbid, it definitely gets the point across because of that effect. I think it wakes people up to the reality that this is happening, and needs to be avoided. It is definitely meant for teens which is good because people need to learn early about how bad it is for you.
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    Emily S
    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 03:01
    Emily S
    I think this is beneficial because it shows a person's dead body due to smoking. Showing this picture will help teens see the negative sides of smoking.
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    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 03:19
    I believe that this propaganda is very beneficial because it shows a correct fact and delivers a powerful message that can help educate the majority of the population.
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    William Radford
    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 03:30
    William Radford
    I think that this is beneficial because it shows us that smoking can lead to what everyone is cared of: death. This will cause everyone to think twice about about smoking and the effect it has on your body.
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    Kevin G
    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 06:57
    Kevin G
    I feel like this is beneficial because it shows elements of ethos and logos by having the picture of a dead person and the facts about smoking on the top.
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    Kate Gault
    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 09:34
    Kate Gault
    This advertisement provides clear and unarguable fact to the observer, and effectively discourages smoking. I see no issue with something that executes its purpose using unbiased statistics.
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    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 12:18
    This ad is beneficial because it encourages people to take care of themselves (which is a good cause), and doesn't use any misleading information to support an opinion.
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    Subash Bhusal
    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 19:40
    Subash Bhusal
    It's beneficial because it shows the outcome of smoking could be death.
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    Andy Reimann
    Mon, 02/06/2017 - 20:23
    Andy Reimann
    This is very beneficial propaganda as it is telling the truth and warning people of a real danger that has been scientifically proven. This propaganda is extremely helpful as it helps to stop people from hurting themselves. Their is really no downside to telling people of the dangers of tobacco.

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