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Background Information
This illustrates the "Respond to Audience" technique because this isin response of the audience's reaction to the election.
Technique Used
Respond to Audience Needs
This is propaganda because
This propaganda is about moving to Canada after the election results. It is meant to be humorous, making fun of everyone who wants to move to Canada. This came from Know Your Meme.


  1. user-avatar
    Max Francisco
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:38
    Max Francisco
    I do not really see this as propaganda, it's more of a joke/meme.
  1. user-avatar
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:41
    The maker is trying to make you think that if Trump wins, it is worth moving to Canada because things are going to get worse. It uses the technique of a slogan, symbol, and bandwagon. The slogan, "Moving To Canada" is negative because the maker has no hope in who could be our future president (at the time). The leaf in the middle represents Canada and its unity and freedom. This is a bandwagon approach because they are totally against Donald Trump and refuse to be on his side. The creator is on anyone's side except for his, but the creator also has no reasons for why they would want to move to Canada if he becomes president. This piece of propaganda is more harmful than beneficial because it is trying to make people feel that Trump is very evil and will ruin our country, which may change many peoples' views on who they will vote for. It is also not specific whether the maker likes Hillary Clinton, or doesn't like either of them.

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