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Background Information
As you can see in the picture there is a fishing stream, and one of them are wearing a gorillamask. with "would you care more if it was a gorilla?". It effects your emotions, and says that you should care as much for every animal.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
world wide fund of nature(WWF) is an organisation for nature and environment.


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    Ericca Andrea S. Ylade
    Wed, 01/25/2017 - 20:28
    Ericca Andrea S. Ylade
    Nowadays. people abuse our mother nature and even the animals. But how? Just like, when we throw trashes in rivers and other water bodies. It affects the fishes there and they likely to die. So, my interpretation in this picture. Just like a person, animals have feelings too. Do not ignore the feelings of them.So, we also need to take care of them as how much we take care of ourselves.
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    Renee Hobbs
    Fri, 04/21/2017 - 00:08
    Renee Hobbs
    This image makes me feel guilty for being so mammal-centric. I don't really have any strong feeling for ocean animals and this ad makes me aware of that - and tells me it's a problem. It's beneficial propaganda because it connects to the news media stories about Harambee the gorilla who was killed when the kid fell into his cage. Makes me feel differently about why that story affected me.

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