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Background Information
The use of a poll is a way to increase audience engagement. But it also conveys ideas. It may be designed to promote or reinforce negative attitudes about the United States. If so, it is an example of a unique form of propaganda.
Technique Used
Respond to Audience Needs
This is propaganda because
This was found on the front page of RT.com (Russia Today). It's a poll about the U.S. debt that invites readers to share their opinion.


  1. user-avatar
    Wed, 11/08/2017 - 02:51
    I think this is definitely harmful propaganda, and it almost doesn't look like propaganda at all when you think of a classic example of propaganda. Until I closely read the selections I didn't really think it was going to be propaganda at all. This definitely responds to the audience's fears or negative attitudes towards the US but also to former president, Barak Obama. How could $20 b in debt be all his fault if there was already a high debt before he took office? Someone who already had negative opinions on him before seeing this poll wouldn't hesitate to select the 4th answer I'm sure. Someone who doesn't have a negative view on Obama might not select that answer though.
  1. user-avatar
    V White
    Sat, 11/11/2017 - 04:09
    V White
    Sure the idea of a poll might be great, however it isn't really a conversation as it only gives 4 options and suggests those ways of thinking. It is suggesting negative attitudes about the Obama administration and also assumes that the poller is educated on the subject.

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