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Background Information
This is beneficial propaganda meant to make someone see the harm that is done to animals for things like their horns, and just how horrible and unnecessary it is to take the horns from these rhinos for material things.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This is a picture from http://wwf.panda.org/?208289/Ad-campaign-aims-to-reduce-Vietnamese-demand-for-rhino-horn about the demand for rhino horns. It is a rhino with human toes/nails where its horn would be.


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    Nyaja Christian
    Tue, 01/23/2018 - 23:07
    Nyaja Christian
    a. It's trying to make you feel bad and stop harming animals by showing the toes where the horny should be.

    b. Yes because it messes with your emotions.
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    Justin Sarnowski
    Tue, 01/23/2018 - 23:07
    Justin Sarnowski
    This image is trying to make you feel sad and empathetic because of the message that says that the horns are made of the same stuff as human nails. This is effective because it makes people think about their own nails and how much it would hurt if someone just cuts off your nails so that they think about what they are really doing to the animals.
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    Ryan R
    Tue, 01/23/2018 - 23:12
    Ryan R
    This isn't really a picture that I can relate to since there aren't a whole lot of rhinos in america. I can understand where this is coming from though. It is attempting to prove that rhinos feel pain like humans, and I think it's affective
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    Aaron Hilt
    Tue, 01/23/2018 - 23:13
    Aaron Hilt
    Although I get the message here is to try to convince people to not poach them for their horns, I just don't think it does a very good job. Real poachers wouldn't care what it made of they just care that is sells for a lot of money and they most likely won't think twice after seeing this.
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    James Owen
    Wed, 01/24/2018 - 02:38
    James Owen
    This image is trying to make you fell bad for owning rhino horns. It says that the horns are made of the same things as human nails. I think this is an effective way to persuade someone because people don't want human nails and you should rather protect the animals.
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    Wed, 04/25/2018 - 01:50
    Undisputably beneficial. The method itself is making a correlation between something far away and abstract with our most intimate experience, the experience that is out first and most important connection to feel and perceive the world around us - our bodies. It's also playing the "gross card" a bit, because it matches the practically unmatchable (at least what we thought would be)
    This is beneficial and well done propaganda.

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