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Anti-Vaccine Pamphlet for Orthodox Jews
Background Information
Anti-vaccine advocates have swayed parents in New Yor,k who are refusing immunizations for their kids.
More than 285 people in New York City have caught the measles virus. Cases are occurring mostly among unvaccinated or under-vaccinated Orthodox Jews. Anti-vaccine propagandists are distributing misinformation in the community through a pamphlet that explicitly targets them. Created by PEACH — or Parents Educating and Advocating for Children’s Health — they target theJewish community with misinformation about vaccine safety, citing rabbis as authorities.
More than 285 people in New York City have caught the measles virus. Cases are occurring mostly among unvaccinated or under-vaccinated Orthodox Jews. Anti-vaccine propagandists are distributing misinformation in the community through a pamphlet that explicitly targets them. Created by PEACH — or Parents Educating and Advocating for Children’s Health — they target theJewish community with misinformation about vaccine safety, citing rabbis as authorities.
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This is propaganda because
The Vaccine Safety Handbook carries the slogan, “You can always vaccinate later. You can never unvaccinate" and includes pages of misinformation about vaccines, including the well-debunked link with autism, as well as advice from rabbis about the “Biblical commandment” to avoid putting one’s life or health in danger — including the danger of vaccines.
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