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Barstools Dave Portnoy Questioning NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Twitter

Background Information
I was just scrolling through my Twitter feed when I came across this interesting tweet from Barstool President Dave Portnoy. In the video we see NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell hugging and celebrating with Chiefs player Chris Jones after he won the Super Bowl. I know in the past, Dave Portnoy had some issues with Roger Goodell and here we see Dave criticizing his actions as NFL Commissioner and questioning his professionalism. He tweeted this a day after the Super Bowl on February 13th, 2023.
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This is propaganda because
I believe that this is a form of propaganda because we see Dave Portnoy calling out Commissioner Roger Goodell. The two have had issues in the past, and Dave seems to be painting Roger as unprofessional. He is questioning Goodell's character as a Commissioner and seems to be doing so due to past issues the two have had. He is making sure that others know what he thinks of the Commissioner and his unprofessionalism and is trying to get his followers/Twitter users to agree with the idea of how unprofessional Goodell is. It paints Roger Goodell in a negative light and vilifies him, and tactics like this on Twitter are somewhat harmful.


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