Jew in England



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Being a Jew in England

Background Information
Campaign Against Antisemitism has launched a nationwide billboard campaign spotlighting what it is like to be Jewish in Britain today.

The image says: Picture an entire stadium taunting you and your mates about the gas chambers.

Hate crime against Jews has risen by 1350% and more than six in ten British Jews have either personally experienced or witnessed an antisemitic incident since 7th October or know somebody who has.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This is a form of positive propaganda designed to increase empathy for a minority group.


  1. user-avatar
    O'Malley Sherlock
    Sat, 04/20/2024 - 19:51
    O'Malley Sherlock
    This form of propaganda uses a strong emotional response for the viewer to create sympathy for Jewish people and the hate crimes they face. This is a good example of positive propaganda because it uses propaganda to fight for a good cause. It is a powerful piece of propaganda, especially for sports fan who would be able to visualise what that experience would be like.

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