Ben Shapiro says the US military is being ruined because it is abandoning masculinity: “People who tend to fight wars are very patriotic, very male people. Traditional masculinity has been core to that idea. But we’re a society that doesn’t believe in traditional masculinity.”



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Ben Shapiro Military Criticism

Background Information
This is a brief clip from Ben Shapiro’s show where he talks about how the military is being ruined because traditional masculinity isn’t as strong a belief as before. While this is being consumed largely by fans of Shapiro who watch his show or who have similar beliefs, a lot of this ideology also gets tied to more conservative views and values. The purpose of Shapiro saying this is to convince a core group of people that if any problems happen with our military, it’s a result of them not being “masculine” enough. It encourages people to group together and also chastise anyone who doesn’t meet the traditional standard, of masculinity even if they aren’t in the military. It also places blame on the upcoming generations for defying gender norms. Chapter 1 of “the Digital Writer” discusses how one tool that goes into digital writing is research, but without any real proof to back his claim up, because Shapiro is a well-known figure, people will automatically agree with his words.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
Propaganda has a specific goal and design that is intended to cause buzz and gain a reaction from a large group of people. Ben Shapiro again, is a well-known figure for his political views and so most things he says controversial or not, garner attention. His show and clips of him get thousands to millions of views so a large group of people will listen to what he’s saying. I said that the technique used is to attack opponents as it’s attacking people in the military and people who aren’t traditionally masculine, but I think it also activates emotions as he wants the audience to think our military isn’t as strong as it used to be. This causes fear which is an example of pathos as it's convincing people to believe what he is saying. This is harmful as it places people against each other and perpetuates attacks based on gender rather than creating helpful and inclusive dialogue. Looking at logos, pathos, ethos, and kairos, the video utilizes logos in that Shapiro is using logic to say that since our values have changed over time and we no longer follow traditional gender roles, we refuse to acknowledge the benefits of having masculine strong people, and therefore by ignoring this we become weaker and ignorant. It utilizes ethos as since Ben Shapiro has been a prominent figure in politics for a while and is well known, people automatically will believe he has credibility. Chapter 2 of "The Digital Writer" talks about Kairos and the timing which is important here because in our current time we are so divided by politics, that this information causes a divide based on unfounded claims. People will immediately jump to a side rather than listen to what is actually being said, which benefits Shapiro.


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