A Mcdonald's ad



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Big. Beffy. Bliss.

Background Information
This is a Mcdonald's ad that shows 3 burgers that they are trying to sell and they are prepared carefully to look good for the cameras. This is an example of oversimplification because the ad shows that the burgers are big and good looking, but if you look closely the small text adds to the simplified titles. What that basically is showing is that there is more to this picture than just a good looking burger with cheese or a well cooked patty.
Technique Used
Respond to Audience Needs
This is propaganda because
The advertisement wants you to think that the burgers are big and shiny and juicy, but in reality those burgers just look sad and the ad is trying to trick you into thinking when you order a burger it is going to look like that and it is not so this is basically telling the audience to come try our new burgers. It is beneficial because a fast food chain like Mcdonald's is going to want to attract customers and to do that they have to make sure that the burgers so as good as possible to make people hungry.
https://chspropaganda.weebly.com/propaganda-words/oversimplification ‌


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