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Book Ban Hoax
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From the American Library Association:
"In their cruel and headlong effort to terminate protections from discrimination for LGBTQIA+ students and students of color, the Department of Education advances the demonstrably false claim that book bans are not real.
"Book bans are real. Ask students who cannot access literary classics required for college or parents whose children can’t check out a book about penguins at their school library. Ask school librarians who have lost their jobs for protecting the freedom to read. While a parent has the right to guide their own children’s reading, their beliefs and prejudices should not dictate what another parent chooses for their own children.
"The new administration is not above the U.S. Constitution."
"In their cruel and headlong effort to terminate protections from discrimination for LGBTQIA+ students and students of color, the Department of Education advances the demonstrably false claim that book bans are not real.
"Book bans are real. Ask students who cannot access literary classics required for college or parents whose children can’t check out a book about penguins at their school library. Ask school librarians who have lost their jobs for protecting the freedom to read. While a parent has the right to guide their own children’s reading, their beliefs and prejudices should not dictate what another parent chooses for their own children.
"The new administration is not above the U.S. Constitution."
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This is propaganda because
The Trump administration is denying evidence from hundreds of school and public libraries.
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