Call Me Mean (Maybe) - Huffpo Photo



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Call Me Mean (Maybe)

Background Information
Image used in an article from Huffington Post, 'Call Me Mean (Maybe): Why I Won't Get a Smartphone for My Teen', by Lisa Rinkus, 2013
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This image is designed to make teenagers look like they are are obsessed with technology. The image activates negative emotions for parents who are concerned about the development of young people's social and emotional skills in face to face interaction.


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    Bianca Taormina
    Tue, 01/23/2018 - 21:28
    Bianca Taormina
    This image makes me feel like everyone is on their phones too much and need to interact with people more because of the people on their phones. I do think this is an effective way because if you go out anywhere you'll see that most people are on their phone.
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    Gabriel Addison
    Tue, 01/23/2018 - 23:05
    Gabriel Addison
    HAHAHA! This is hilarious, It shows that they had the plan, the idea, and even coordinated with each other to hangout outside, but the irony is that they are doing the same thing as they would be doing inside. this is definatly and effecient way of showing that you need to get up and out of the house without your phones, Even though the Thought does count it doesn't mean that you could enjoy the environment around you!
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    hunter lavin1
    Wed, 01/24/2018 - 02:47
    hunter lavin1
    i think that people should spend more time doing stuff other than sitting on their phone all day

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