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Background Information
The image of a starving child brings up emotions that make a person angry or want to take action. The creator makes a dangerous correlation between capitalism and starving children. I wouldn't say it is not dangerous, but it could be problematic.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This picture showed up in my newsfeed as something that a friend had liked on Facebook yesterday (July 8). It came from a group that has no leadership listed on the page, only that they are "exposing the truth one lie at a time."


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    Thu, 02/21/2013 - 14:11
    This poster really simplifies the problem of people all around the world not having enough money to live on by making it seem that the cause of poverty and starving children is capitalism. That's a dangerous way of thinking because there are many factors that contribute to poverty.
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    Wed, 04/22/2015 - 07:14
    I don't feel this connection is relevant or effective in any way. What is the purpose? Am I suppose to feel guilty about living as a capitalist? These ideas seem disconnected and a cheap attempt to shock viewers.
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    Sat, 04/25/2015 - 08:52
    My eyes were immediately drawn to the image of the starving child which stirred up some emotion. My first notion was to agree with the message condemning the wealth gap caused by capitalism due in large part to the disturbing image. I re-read the message after a minute and realized that I fell for the visual propaganda and did not totally agree with what was written.
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    Mon, 04/27/2015 - 12:27
    I would have to agree with most of the voters. It does evoke emotion and makes a person think about capitalism in regards to how we, as Americans, envy and treat the situations when there are larger problems in the world. And the fact that those who are "rich" are not helping those who need it most.
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    Thu, 11/19/2015 - 00:15
    It's thought provoking but it's not right to use this poor malnourished child as apawn
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    Trevor Bloom
    Fri, 11/20/2015 - 00:01
    Trevor Bloom
    Only 9% of people chose the same ranking as I did. I think this is pretty beneficial because it gives people a true visual of how the world is.
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    Amanda Thompson
    Sat, 04/23/2016 - 00:21
    Amanda Thompson
    This picture does not help with the explanation of capitalism and what its does. It just make me want to look away.
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    Sat, 04/23/2016 - 22:22
    I totally agree with the sentiment behind this, but I do think this exploits the child pictured. We have know way of knowing if the child consented to having their image used (and I'm assuming that they most likely didn't).
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    Sun, 04/24/2016 - 01:21
    This appeal is to pathos. It's a somewhat disturbing image of a child severely malnourished and very unhealthy, pointing the proximate cause to capitalism. This appeals to many because so much of the world operates in some form of capitalism so it's a way to make someone assume some level of guilt for what the photo is representing.
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    Tue, 05/09/2017 - 23:33
    This imigae is not too harmful but it might cause other problems
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    Sun, 06/13/2021 - 00:21
    This is definitly propaganda, the image really draws on the emotions. I also assume that the statistic used is acurate in and of itself, however the connection between capitalism and the statistic and the image is not a stron argument. Is the message that the rich countries are capitalistic and that is why they are rich? So it would follow that the answer to the problem is for that country to also become capitalistic. Or is it that capitalistic countries steal from this country, if this country is also capitalistic then capitalism is not the problem. A better argument would be that this country is capitalistic but look at what it does, but this would also be a weak argument since other countries experience less proverty. A stronger argument would be to point out deep proverty in a very rich country that is also capitalistic. Not only do the creators of this propaganda assume the readers have a low level of critical thinking skills, but it looks like the creators themselves lack these skills also.

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