The image provided displays an advertisement for Converse sneakers. The ad displays newer styles as well as classics, and claims they are fit for every time and moment.



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Converse is the Shoe for Anywhere at any Time.

Background Information
This ad appeared on Instagram as I scrolled. I do not follow Converse, however I often look at sneakers and shoes which then influences social media trackers and cookies to present me with other options similar.
Technique Used
Respond to Audience Needs
This is propaganda because
This is propaganda because it presents an item in the form of an advertisement, that includes the caption "Made for anywhere, anytime- just say when with these versatile go tos." This caption instills the notion that these shoes are needed for everyday wear due to their versatility and comfort. Converse is trying to convince their audience that these shoes can be worn at anytime and in any type of weather or situation, making them feel as though they need shoes that are always reliable no matter the conditions. They present simplistic styles that can be applicable to almost all outfits, therefore making them appealing to most individuals.


  1. user-avatar
    Kyra Bower
    Wed, 09/27/2023 - 04:36
    Kyra Bower
    This advertisement is clever as it appeals to all people for any time of the day which will likely grab the attention of those who need an everyday or reliable shoe. I think converse is a very successful brand because of the versatility they preach.

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