The real virus in communism



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Background Information
Pandemia COVID-19 a cunoscut o crestere semnificativa in mediul onlin, prin intermediul rețelelor sociale și al altor surse unde se regasesc diverse texte/imagini/postere care pot varia de la teorii despre originea virusului, la dezinformare cu privire la măsurile personale de sănătate. Astfel de postari au un impact direct asupra sănătății și siguranței publice.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
În mintea obișnuită, propaganda este sinonimă cu încercarea de „spălare a creierului”.Astăzi, propaganda este peste tot în jurul nostru. Este întreprinsă de guverne, instituții de stat, corporații care încearcă să ne vândă lucruri, etc. Imaginea selectata sublianiaza partea stranie a vaccinului anti covid, trezind reticenta oamenilor de rand. Se contureaza astfel o lupta intre posesorii certificatului verde si cei nevaccinati. Nimic nu poate sta in calea virusului, iar comunistii erau de parere ca viitorul de aur al omenirii este instalarea regimului comunist, de aici afirmatia " the real virus is communism". Virusul a fost prezentat oamenilor ca fiind singura cale de vindecare, insa nu sanatatea este cea care primeaza, ci libertatea, campaniile de propaganda luand astfel tot mai mult amploare(propaganda nociva).


  1. user-avatar
    Fri, 11/19/2021 - 15:50
    It is harmful because of its untruthful statment
  1. user-avatar
    Fri, 11/19/2021 - 15:52
    The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a significant increase in the online environment, through social networks and other sources where there are various texts / images / posters that can range from theories about the origin of the virus, to misinformation about personal health measures. Such posts have a direct impact on public health and safety.
  1. user-avatar
    Fri, 11/19/2021 - 15:53
    In the ordinary mind, propaganda is synonymous with the attempt to "brainwash." Today, propaganda is all around us. It is undertaken by governments, state institutions, corporations that try to sell us things, etc. The selected image highlights the strange side of the covid vaccine, arousing the reluctance of ordinary people. This outlines a fight between the holders of the green certificate and the unvaccinated. Nothing can stand in the way of the virus, and the communists were of the opinion that the golden future of mankind is the installation of the communist regime, hence the statement "the real virus is communism". The virus has been presented to humans as the only way to cure, but it is not health that prevails, but freedom, so propaganda campaigns are gaining momentum (harmful propaganda).
  1. user-avatar
    Fri, 11/19/2021 - 15:54
    In the ordinary mind, propaganda is synonymous with trying to "brainwash." Today, propaganda is all around us. It is undertaken by governments, state institutions, corporations that try to sell us things, etc. The selected image highlights the strange side of the covid vaccine, arousing the reluctance of ordinary people. This outlines a fight between the holders of the green certificate and the unvaccinated. Nothing can stand in the way of the virus, and the communists were of the opinion that the golden future of mankind is the installation of the communist regime, hence the statement "the real virus is communism". The virus has been presented to humans as the only way to cure, but it is not health that prevails, but freedom, so propaganda campaigns are gaining momentum (harmful propaganda).

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