Shows two men that appear as the devil talking about how Republicans have all sold their soul.



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Devilish Views

Background Information
This cartoon shows two men that appear to be devils, dressed in business attire and discussing how it's hard to work with Republicans because they all have sold their souls to the devil. Basically the cartoon is explaining that those who support Republican ideals have no soul. This cartoon is supposed to be viewed as humorous to those who do not support the Republican political party.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
This propaganda looks to attack the Republican Party and portray those within the party as having no soul. They use ethos in that the devil would be an expert on who does or doesn't have a soul so by having the two men be the devil it helps solidify the message that the cartoonist is trying to portray. It also uses kairos because obviously the lack of support for opposite political parties is an ongoing issue and the cartoon uses pathos in that it invokes positive emotions in those who agree with the cartoon and negative emotions for those within the Republican Party. I think it could be viewed as both harmful or beneficial depending on what side of politics a person is on.


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