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DIRECTV Don't Sell Your Hair to a Wig Shop

Background Information
This commercial uses the logical fallacy slippery slope to imply that if you keep cable you will end up poor and having to sell your hair to a wig shop in order to make money...which is why you should get Direct TV. It is played on most popular channels on TV- targeting audiences who still pay for cable.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
This is a link to a DirecTV commercial. This commercial is attacking one of their opponents- cable. This uses the us vs them technique when attacking their opponent. This also uses the technique of simplifying information and ideas. They utilize memorable short phrases and imagery as well as a simple story to make them seem better than cable. However, their information is a logical fallacy- slippery slope. The story begins with a small first step (having cable instead of DirectTV) leads to a chain of events ending in a significant negative effect (being poor and selling your hair). Ultimately, this ad uses both propaganda AND a logical fallacy to attack its opponent and convince people to buy their product instead.


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