Don’t Worry Darling: Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh Reportedly Had a “Screaming Match”



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Don't Worry Darling Drama

Background Information
This is a news article that was written by Vanity Fair, but many other news outlets also reported on this story with similar headlines. This is intended for those who keep up with celebrity news and fans of the actors from the new movie "Don't Worry Darling" which Olivia Wilde directed. The purpose of writing a headline this dramatic is to get people to click on the article and read to see what actually happened. However, without knowing if this is completely true or not, people will assume from the title alone that they know the full story. As it says in Chapter 1 of the Digital Writer, when people are interested in something and they like what they hear the more inclined they are to pay attention. This also means they are paying attention to things they want to hear rather than looking at the details within the story.
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Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
Propaganda has a specific goal and design that is intended to cause buzz and gain a reaction from a large group of people. Vanity Fair is a significant news source for celebrity news. Them posting this along with other news sources covering this topic, reach a wide group of people. The goal of this post is to cause unnecessary drama that makes the reader want to learn more. It makes it seem like the actors have nothing better to do than attack each other. It sets aside the work of the entire cast and crew and the effort they put into the movie to focus on petty and irrelevant things. For example, actors Gemma Chan and Chris Pine were excellent in the movie and their work is being cast aside in favor of focusing on the drama. There's more buzz about the drama behind the movie and intent to force the audience to pick a side, than a genuine acknowledgment of the movie itself. This is harmful as it causes false perceptions about what actually took place, making the audience assume they know generally what happened behind the scenes. Looking at logos, pathos, ethos and kairos, the article utilizes logos in coming to the conclusion that because there was a source to witness the fight, logically it must have happened and that in turn the actresses must have not liked each other. It utilizes ethos to make us think that because timelines were confirmed this anonymous source has some credibility and that they are hiding to protect themselves from any legal issues. Pathos is used to make us feel bad for the crew for having to deal with how the promotion of the movie was tainted by rumors and reports of Olivia's unprofessionalism and lack of actual directing may have been hard on them. Chapter 2 of "The Digital Writer" talks about Kairos and the timing which was notable in this article as the movie just got released so this article again taints the reputation of the movie during its opening week.
Huffington Post


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