Billboard of a Heinz campaign



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Heinz Ketchup Billboard

Background Information
• Writer: Heinz
• Audience: The target audience for this propaganda is anyone who sees it and likes ketchup.
• Message: People should buy Heinz Ketchup because it is so good, classic, and timeless that it has become the image of bottled ketchup all over the world.
• Genre: This a simple ad published on websites, apps, and billboards.
• Media: Print media
Technique Used
Simplify Ideas
This is propaganda because
This ad is propaganda because it was made by a brand to persuade people to buy their product, which in this case would be Heinz ketchup. The way that Heinz decided to persuade people into doing what they wanted was by using ethos to show people that Heinz ketchup is not only good because they say so but also because they have the support of millions of normal people, who have probably tried a million different kinds of ketchup brands and do not give much thought to ketchup on their daily basis, recognize Heinz as the symbol of bottled ketchup. This campaign helped Heinz credibility by using random people’s drawing of ketchup to reaffirm their position as the best and most popular ketchup brand in the world. Pathos also played a big role in the success of this campaign because Heinz decided to appeal to people’s sense of comfort and nostalgia by creating a simple add with original handmade drawings that could transport people back to their carefree childhood days while reminding them that Heinz has always been the reliable go to ketchup brand. I think that this propaganda is a beneficial piece of rhetoric since it achieved exactly what the author wanted without being offensive or discriminatory.


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