Uncle Sam's boot crushing the image of a graph that represents the curve that Covid-19 cases have causes.



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Help Uncle Sam Flatten The Curve!

Background Information
This is an image or poster representing uncle sam crushing the curve. It is asking Americans to help stop the curve that is related to covid-19 cases within the country. This vintage poster is also done by Sylvia Bueltel.
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This is propaganda because
Because it is using uncle Sam as a representation.


  1. user-avatar
    Chloe Kessler
    Wed, 02/16/2022 - 22:18
    Chloe Kessler
    I chose to rate this example of propaganda right in the middle because I didn't think it was entirely harmful or beneficial. While looking at my rating compared to others, it looks like 50% of individuals also rated this in the middle and the other 50% rated it as beneficial. I would have to agree with the other 50% of individuals who felt as though it was beneficial. This propaganda example differs from some of the other examples that were related to COVID-19. This example differs because it is not targeting individuals nor is it harassing individuals to do something. As mentioned previously, everyone can have their own opinions as long as they are not intentionally hurting someone or criticizing someone else's views. The important message here is that Uncle Sam is politely encouraging everyone to protect themselves and everyone else from COVID-19. I was glad to see that the other 50% of individuals felt as though it was beneficial because I did not find it to be harmful like other examples that I saw. I think this was a good example of propaganda when it comes to the pandemic because it was not political or intentionally insulting anyone. This goes to show that there are still effective and productive examples of propaganda regardless of other examples that simply make fun of the pandemic.

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