Man wearing a button with the word Vax crossed out exclaims "I reject vaccines out of the love for my children". Standing to the right of the man are 3 chidlren with virus faces, the first virus face reads measles, the second mumps, and the third rubella.



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I Reject Vaccines Out of the Love for my Children

Background Information
This is an image created by a political cartoonist. It's to convey that the man in the picture doesnt' want vaccines because he wants his children to live, his children being diseases. If people get vaccines then his "children" will go away.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
It's almost making fun of anti-vaccination supporters because it's saying that if they don't get their children to be vaccinated then the disease will continue to spread and their children will get sick. it's trying to influence people to vaccinate themselves.


  1. user-avatar
    Gena Anika
    Wed, 02/16/2022 - 00:51
    Gena Anika
    Hi Lily! I really like the examples of propaganda you posted.

    I liked the anti-vax propaganda image you found. I agree that it is attack opponents but I also feel it could be viewed as activate emotion because it definitely causes you to feel either upset because it targets you or you find it funny because it doesn't target you.

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