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Let's Bomb Texas
Background Information
This piece of propaganda is a commentary on U.S. involvement in conflicts in the Middle East. It's original creator is unknown but it was found on prwatch.org in the art and propaganda section.
Technique Used
Simplify Ideas
This is propaganda because
This piece makes use of propaganda techniques by simplifying the United States' motivations for military action in the Middle East, particularly Iraq. It implies that the U.S. bombs countries primarily to access and take control of oil.
This is harmful because, it makes Americans rethink their stance on the war in middle east and it shows harm to the U.S.
They are selling their message by showing the message in a way that hits home for many Americans.
This message appeals to Social Fear, as it implies terrorism to the U.S. which is one of the biggest social fear, by actual Americans.
its harmful
showing how we have bombs on stand-by
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