A fit women holding the pill that will help you lose weight making it misleading since she is really fit advertising the pill. t



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Misleading Weight loss Pill

Background Information
The use of the pill "Jain Ayurveda" says it will help you lose body fat. It says If you wan to burn fat" following up with " You must get a slim and fit body". Having a slim women holding the pills as if she took those pills helping her lose weight, also has a tape measuring around her stomach indicating the difference.
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Respond to Audience Needs
This is propaganda because
It misleads the ones that want to lose weight as they see this fit one advertises the pill since she has the pathos, since she is a skinny fit women advertising for a weight lose pill. It wouldn't make sense to have someone who is on the bigger side to advertise the pill showing the audience it is not effective. But who knows if the one in the advertisement actually took the pills, it is very misleading to the audience. The demographic is wide and no age limit is able to steer away since many people struggle with their weight. But they are not sure how to start to get a starting point. A good amount look for an easier way out seeing if taking these pills will help or other tips and tricks to lose weight online.


  1. user-avatar
    Kyra Bower
    Wed, 09/27/2023 - 04:28
    Kyra Bower
    This example is seen as harmful because it is misleading to the audience and conveys an image of a lady with a skinny figure, without showing us any negative effects it may have had. We also cannot be sure if the lady even took the pill or not. This is not a reliable advertisement.

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