Billboard of a pro-life ad saying "Dad's Princess" #heartbeatat18days showing a black child atleast 6 months old



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Neighbors rally to remove controversial abortion ads

Background Information
There is a billboard of a pro-life ad saying "Dad's Princess" #heartbeatat18days showing a black child atleast 6 months old. People are upset that the billboard targets the black community in that area implying that they are the one's who are more frequently pregnant.
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This is propaganda because
It targets a minority audience because they believe they are the common demographic of pregnant woman.
It also promotes pro-life idea that the heart starts beating at 18 days and that the developing fetus is a person who deserves to live rather than allowing the individual to develop their own solutions.


  1. user-avatar
    Sophia M
    Tue, 02/15/2022 - 22:52
    Sophia M
    I found this image harmful, as I see 50% of the other viewers agreed with. The other ranked it more on the harmful scale than not. I agree with your point that this seems to target a demographic they think they'll get the most response out of, but ends up looking like an attack. The promotion that a fetus or a heartbeat is a child comes across as an attack. This board didn't seem to appeal to the emotion of those already with a set stance.

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