Trump Lies



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News about Trump Lies

Background Information
The panel claims that the President has lied with accusations of illegitimate votes being cast against him. Whilst this is conceivable, it also aggressively pushes the political agenda of the network upon viewers without genuine proof of wrongdoing.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
Political discussion broadcasted on American television network, MSNNBC (Microsoft/National Broadcasting Company), and later published on YouTube, examines claims of illegal voting in a recent popular vote.


  1. user-avatar
    Renee Hobbs
    Sun, 06/03/2018 - 23:10
    Renee Hobbs
    This is a form of propaganda that exists in journalism that some people think of as partisanship. News with a point of view can make information more comprehensible. This can be beneficial or harmful if you are not aware of it.
  1. user-avatar
    Shannon McNally
    Mon, 04/22/2024 - 02:17
    Shannon McNally
    activates strong emotions: yes
    simplifies ideas and information: yes because it is simplified down to one line
    taps into fears: potentially. Someone with a large audience making false claims is very scary.
    attacks opponents: yes
    Why did I not rate it of higher danger:
    I rated this one as medium harmful because if he is lying I do think it is important for the media to call it out and set the record straight as best they can.

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