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North Korea 70th Anniversary Military Parade Celebration 2018

Background Information
North Korea is recognised globally as a communist country. The Kim family rule has lasted for 70 years and during that time, North Korea has displayed 30 plus extravagant military parades. The march includes displaying newest military weapons, dancers, students and cheering fans that seem to be genuinely filled with emotion. The parades not only showed the potential military power of North Korea but is also an attempt to intimidate other countries. In previous years, some military tanks featured anti-American slogans for example “Destroy the US imperialist aggressors! The sworn enemy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” according to a photo from the NK News website that referred to North Korean by its formal name (The Guardian, 2018).
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
- The video features gigantic golden statues of the Kim family and military tanks as a display of power
- The synchronised marching of the mass amount of soldiers also emphasised internal unity of North Korea
- Interview of civilians show how confident they are in their military forces and their sense of pride and faith towards their current leader Kim Jong Un
- Huge pictures displayed of the Kim family alongside Kim Jong Un waving from a podium with everyone looking up and clapping -> displaying his popularity amongst his people


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