nursing mom



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Nursing Moms

Background Information
A picture of a woman eating her dinner on the toilet to compare with breastfeeding a baby.

Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This picture is looking to normalize breastfeeding in public. It looks to evoke disgust from the idea of eating in the bathroom. It also looks to give humanity to babies.


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    Miranda K
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:36
    Miranda K
    Qualifies as propaganda because its their side of their argument on a topic.
    I feel that this is beneficial because it makes you realize that its wrong for a baby to have to be breastfed in a bathroom.
    They are selling the message by making you feel bad, or making you think of it as being you, the one eating in the bathroom.
    appeal to pity.
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    Catherine D.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:38
    Catherine D.
    This beneficial msg qualifies as propaganda because it is trying to shown us viewers that being shamed to not breastfed in public isn't okay. The propagandist is "selling" the message by trying to have the viewer find disgust in eating in the bathroom. This msg displays plainfolk and pity because some of us can relate to having to breastfed in the bathroom and we feel bad for the women that have to.
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    maben A
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:42
    maben A
    this message qualifies as propaganda because the image is saying we wouldnt do something so why should a baby/kid do it.
    It is beneficial.
    Propaganda is selling its message by showing an image of an adult eating in a bathroom, and saying that we dont do it so why should we make babies in eat bathrooms. trying to make us feel bad for making a baby eat in a bathroom.
    appeal to pity.
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    Allyson R.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:43
    Allyson R.
    This message qualifies as propaganda because it seeks to make us disgusted by the idea of eating in a bathroom, and then having the viewers relate this to breastfeeding. It's beneficial to some, harmful to some. It depends on your POV. The point the propagandist is trying to get across is that breastfeeding is a natural process and shouldn't be publicly shamed. The propagandist is, "selling" the message by relating the baby eating in the bathroom to make it more personalized to the viewer by putting them in that situation. This form of propaganda appeals to pity because it shows what mothers have to go through with their babies.
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    Raechel C
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:45
    Raechel C
    This message qualifies as propaganda because it is trying to persuade society to not shame women for breastfeeding.
    I think this message is beneficial

    The propagandist is selling the message through having the reader think about themselves eating dinner in a bathroom and then make the connection that they would not want to eat in the bathroom so why should babies have to in public

    The emotional appeal the author uses is association because the reader associates the feeling of having to eat in a bathroom to realizing many babies do because many women are shamed for breast feeding in public. The author also uses appeal to pity because the reader would feel bad for the baby after reading this
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    Alejandro S
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:45
    Alejandro S
    this message qualifies as propaganda because it is trying to make parents/ mothers feel bad for nursing their baby in the bathroom

    middle, it isnt really either. its a little gross to feed a baby in the bathroom but when you are out in public people dont want to see you nursing your baby espically when your eating

    they are showing us that it is gross and that an adult wouldnt eat in the bathroom why should a baby

    associations shows an ad to the public to get the message across to stop feeding babies in the bathroom
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    Inari G.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:47
    Inari G.
    The message qualifies as propaganda because it evokes emotions when we see someone eating in a bathroom that also gets their message across.
    This message is beneficial because it gives a voice to babies and mothers who are looked down upon when breastfeeding in public and are forced to breastfeed, in dark and closed off spaces, like a bathroom.
    They are selling the message by evoking emotions in us and causes us to rethink our opinion.
    An emotional appeal that is present is the appeal of pity, when we see this women in the bathroom eating, we are filled with pity and disgust for the women, then reading the message we then also feel bad to babies who are forced to eat in these circumstances.
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    Logan P.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:48
    Logan P.
    This qualifies as propaganda because its influencing groups of people to have a negative attitude about breastfeeding in restrooms. It is beneficial to all mother who breastfeed their babies. This example of propaganda is selling through some form of advertisement. This ad is appealing to our sense of pity, it makes us feel bad that a mother is forced to feed her child in a restroom.
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    Melissa R.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:49
    Melissa R.
    This message qualifies as propaganda because it is a form of purposeful persuasion and its attempting to influence our emotions, attitudes, and opinions for commercial purposes.This message is beneficial especially to the group that it's directed towards. Propaganda is selling this message through maybe advocacy. The emotional appeal is maybe to appeal to pity , to feel bad about the eating confitions of the children and their situation.
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    Tavian B
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:51
    Tavian B
    I guess this makes you feel pity, and heavily persuades you that breastfeeding in public isn't a shameful thing. It's propaganda because of the affect of pity.
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    Brittany B.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 20:53
    Brittany B.
    This message qualifies as propaganda because they are using journalism to get the word out that breastfeeding is public is a normal thing and women should not be shamed for it. This is beneficial because when someone sees this they will be disgusted that a woman is eating in the bathroom and then they can relate it to the baby having to eat there. this propagandist is using the newspaper to sell the message. the emotioal appeal is self-esteem because a woman shoudnt feel like she has to take her baby to the bathroom because some people think its ¨unhumane¨ to have your breast out in public.
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    Breaire Hamilton
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:41
    Breaire Hamilton
    i don't view it as disgusting its a baby and that is what the mother thinks is fit for her child if she put a blanket over her chest and there is no exposure then it shouldnt matter to you that's just my opinion.
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    Eric R.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:45
    Eric R.
    This is propaganda because it compares an adult eating in a bathroom to a baby. This is beneficial because it tries to let babies have more of the same equality as adults. This is selling the message because it has a picture of an adult eating in the bathroom. This has an emotional appeal of discussed because of the picture.
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    sera d
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:47
    sera d
    This qualifies as propaganda because its telling how eating in the bathroom and breastfeeding in the bathroom are the same thing saying why u would feed your baby in a place of urinating. This is very harmful because there are so many diseases and bacteria in the bathroom and its not sanitary . The picture is showing a lady eating in a bathroom saying that you wouldn´t want to feed a baby in there. This is an example of Appeal to pity because we feel bad for the babies that have to be fed in the bathroom, when it is very dangerous to.
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    Stephanie G
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:49
    Stephanie G
    This is Propaganda because it is trying to make you think of breastfeeding in a normalized way. This is beneficial to mothers everywhere. The propagandist is using a powerful image to make you feel a certain way. The emotional appeals are pity and plainsfolk because you are made to feel bad for the mother and her child, but they are also making the baby relate to you.
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    Breaire H.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:53
    Breaire H.
    Also I view it as propaganda because at least *some* people would look at it as its a baby its not like she's exposing herself anyone who thinks its disgusting is just ignorant.
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    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:53
    the whole issue with breastfeeding is absolutely stupid and immature, no one should have a problem with a mother literally feeding her child and making it healthy.
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    jason B.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:53
    jason B.
    1. yeah its propaganda
    3.that they don't believe that mothers should go into a bathroom to feed there children.
    4. i feel like its pitty/self esteem. because for the pitty side of it a person could see this and think wow women have to do that? or just because they are breast feeding dosent mean that they should be pushed away. for the self esteem part of it is like a person seeing this picture that thinks women should go away while breast feeding and can think "wow i want women to do this" or "i would never do that" "wow im a horrible person"
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    jason B.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:54
    jason B.
    1. yeah its propaganda
    3.that they don't believe that mothers should go into a bathroom to feed there children.
    4. i feel like its pitty/self esteem. because for the pitty side of it a person could see this and think wow women have to do that? or just because they are breast feeding dosent mean that they should be pushed away. for the self esteem part of it is like a person seeing this picture that thinks women should go away while breast feeding and can think "wow i want women to do this" or "i would never do that" "wow im a horrible person"
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    jason B.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:54
    jason B.
    1. yeah its propaganda
    3.that they don't believe that mothers should go into a bathroom to feed there children.
    4. i feel like its pitty/self esteem. because for the pitty side of it a person could see this and think wow women have to do that? or just because they are breast feeding dosent mean that they should be pushed away. for the self esteem part of it is like a person seeing this picture that thinks women should go away while breast feeding and can think "wow i want women to do this" or "i would never do that" "wow im a horrible person"
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    Emilee K
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:54
    Emilee K
    This is a very beneficial ad. It shows that eating in a gross, dirty bathroom wouldn't be okay to eat in for adults, so why little children? It's selling the message due to the fact that babies are more susceptible to disease in bathrooms than adults, yet breastfeeding in public is shamed. It is appeal to pity because you will feel bad for the child if it's forced into a dirty place to be fed.
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    Monica S.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:00
    Monica S.
    This message qualifies as propaganda due to the strong emotions that it conjures. This propaganda is selling the message by appealing to self-esteem and social fears. They are "selling the message" by incorporating the life of a child and the objections a woman has to ace when she simply needs to feed her baby. This advertisement conjures strong feeling that either agree or disagree with the subject at hand. Due to the wide recognition of this subject, this advertisement is beneficial due to the use of our emotions and the use of visual aid.
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    Sydney T.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:03
    Sydney T.
    This qualifies as propaganda because it makes people emotional and disgusted with the idea that a baby should eat in a bathroom. It is beneficial because it normalizes a natural process. The propagandist is selling the message by using babies and their humanity. This is emotional appeal to pity because it makes people feel bad for the mothers and their babies. It also implies the baby will have less humanity if fed in the bathroom.
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    Kayla C
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:08
    Kayla C
    This qualifies as propaganda because its saying that breast feeding should be normalized so a mother does not have to go into a public bathroom and breastfeed her child. I feel like this is beneficial because this is so wrong on so many levels. The message that the protagonist is trying to get across is that babies are human to and they should be able to eat out in public like every one else not in a bathroom. The emotional appeal that is expressed in this piece is appeal to force because they say that you CANNOT BREASTFEED IN PUBLIC it doesn't really give them a choice. I would also say appeal to self esteem would work too because moms think to themselves if they don't feed their child until they get home they may think they would be being a bad mom or you would probably feel bad by feeding your child in the bathroom.
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    Karissa S.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:15
    Karissa S.
    This message is propaganda because it is informing people that breast feeding should be normal in society. This form of propaganda is appeal to pity because it makes you feel bad for he mothers that have to sit in the bathroom to feed their baby. This is beneficial because it is helping mothers who are breast feeding not be isolated in an unhealthy environment.
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    Deja C.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:16
    Deja C.
    This is propaganda because it is showing why breastfeeding shouldn't go on in public. It is beneficial because it is telling that children shouldn't be fed out in public and in front of everyone. They are selling the message by showing a picture of a woman eating in a bathroom in public anywhere, in front of others. The emotional appeal present is appeal to pity, to show that it is bad to feed your child in public.
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    Amber P.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 00:49
    Amber P.
    The message qualifies as propaganda because it is trying to persuade someone's point of view to support public breastfeeding. This message is beneficial. The propagandist is selling the message by showing a woman eating in a bathroom and many people think that is gross. This propaganda is using associations. It is associating as eating in a bathroom as gross so others will begin to normalize public breastfeeding.
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    Dorian R
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 00:50
    Dorian R
    The ad makes you feel pity for the woman in the bathroom. It tries to make you see what they a baby would be going through when they are being breastfed. The ad could benefit the cause and hurt it at the same time. People could maybe start to feel pity for babies because of the way that the ad is displaying, other people may feel that there are better places to breastfeed like at home or in car just not in public. This ad appeals to pity.
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    Liberty M.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 01:01
    Liberty M.
    This is propaganda because you always see or hear something about people breastfeeding in public on how it should be in a bathroom. This is beneficial because it shows people that its natural to breastfeed in public just like it is for us to eat in public. Its being sold because its something interesting and makes sense and makes you think about the situation more. The emotional appeal is social fears. This is because the mother breastfeeding might feel rejected by others in public.
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    Felicity L.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 20:30
    Felicity L.
    This is appeal to pity because the picture is trying to make you feel guilty for a baby that is being breastfeed in a restroom. They are selling the message by saying that since you wouldnt do something why should the baby have too.
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    Maluhia B.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 20:37
    Maluhia B.
    I agree with Catherine D. that it both appeals to plainfolks and pity as many have experienced it themselves or have close people in their lives who have experienced it and those who haven't can still express a sense of pity for the mothers who have to go through this.
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    Maluhia B.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 20:37
    Maluhia B.
    I agree with Catherine D. that it both appeals to plainfolks and pity as many have experienced it themselves or have close people in their lives who have experienced it and those who haven't can still express a sense of pity for the mothers who have to go through this.
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    Melissa R.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 20:41
    Melissa R.
    I agree and disagree with Sera D. I agree that the situation and the cause of this photo is harmful and that it is a horrible people think that way, but i feel that the picture itself is beneficial due to the fact that it bring attention to the fact that its a problem in society that needs to be faced. I think that its appeal to pity, also.
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    Allyson R.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 20:41
    Allyson R.
    I agree with Liberty M. wholeheartedly. I couldn't of said it better myself! The propagandist, "sells" this my showing it's natural for women to breastfeed in public just like we eat in public, just like Liberty said. :)
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    Jena A.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 20:43
    Jena A.
    I agree with Logan when he explains that the advertisement appeals to pity. The creator of this ad uses an everyday activity of eating and associates it with breast feeding. They make you think that if you don't eat in the bathroom, a baby shouldn't either. You feel bad for the baby.
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    sam c.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 21:02
    sam c.
    I agree with logan that this appeals to pitty because you feel bad for the baby that the mother has to go through this.
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    Ashlyn B
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 21:12
    Ashlyn B
    I agree with what Logan said because it makes you feel sad for the mother
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    Alondra R.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 21:40
    Alondra R.
    This message qualifies as propaganda because they are manipulating and showing you that eating in a public bathroom. This message is beneficial because it is informing people that you wouldn't eat in a public bathroom so why would you allow your child to. Propaganda is selling this message by bringing in your own child into the picture. An emotional appeal to this message would be appeal to pity because they are making a statement that if you do allow your child to eat in an unsanitary public bathroom.
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    Chase C
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 21:41
    Chase C
    i agree with Breaire, there should not be nay problem with a mother breastfeeding in public as long as it is covered up and she is not being inappropriate about it.
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    kayla c
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 21:41
    kayla c
    I agree with logan p because we do get a sense of pity because we feel bad for the moms that have to breastfeed in the bathroom. I would also like to expand and say that another emotional appeal would be appeal to self esteem it may kind of lower their self esteem to were they have to hid their bodies like that like it is something to be ashamed of.
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    Alexis C.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 21:47
    Alexis C.
    This message qualifies as propaganda because it is trying to let woman breastfeed in public instead of in a bathroom by making you feel bad you are making a baby eat in bathroom. This message is beneficial. This propagandist is "selling the message" by by making you think you are bad person because you would not eat in the bathroom so why should your baby? This is applying to the appeal of pity because it is making you feel bad about making a child eat in a restroom.
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    josh m
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 21:51
    josh m
    this propaganda because it's trying to get people to feel bad for the baby because if we wouldn't eat in the bathroom stall why should they?
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    Karissa S
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 21:55
    Karissa S
    I agree with Liberty M. because breastfeeding in public should not be a big deal. I disagree with her because I think it is appeal to pity and not appeal to social fears.
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    Sydney T.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 22:01
    Sydney T.
    This message qualifies as propaganda because it uses babies and makes an emotional reaction. It is beneficial because it helps normalize a natural process. They are selling the message by implying that if a baby eats in the bathroom, it has less humanity. The emotional appeal is pity because it implies a baby will be 'hurt' if it eats in the bathroom.
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    Breaire H.
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 22:03
    Breaire H.
    i agree with josh because it makes you think about the baby and the mother because the baby should'nt have to eat in the bathroom and the mother should'nt have to worry about being shamed by trying to feed her baby.
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    Sat, 06/04/2016 - 00:27
    I agree with sydney t. because it shows propaganda through social appeals. why would you eat in the bathroom if you would not put your child in that situation.
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    Deevn F
    Sat, 06/04/2016 - 00:33
    Deevn F
    The picture is propaganda because it is showing that no person should eat in a restroom or breastfeed in a bathroom. Its beneficial because its telling you to eat and breastfeed in a better place than a restroom. The emotional appeal is pity
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    Rosella G.
    Sat, 06/04/2016 - 00:36
    Rosella G.
    Shaping your perception on breast feeding in public.Its beneficial because it saying that if a baby has to eat in a bathroom then an adult has to eat in a bathroom. The adults don't like eating in bathrooms they like to eat in public with everyone else. They are using emotion to disgust the image of eating in a bathroom. Emotional appeal they propagandist is using is pity and social fear because no adult wants to eat in a bathroom, they don't want to see a baby being breastfed in public and no baby should eat in a bathroom stall.
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    Hailey s.
    Sat, 06/04/2016 - 00:43
    Hailey s.
    the message is propaganda because its trying to show that it is not right for anybody to be eating in a restroom. its beneficial because its promoting women to breastfeed somewhere else other than in a restroom when their out in public so their child doesn't have to eat in a unsanitarty place. the emotional appeal is appeal to pity. because its making people feel bad for the babies that are forced to eat in the unsanitary restrooms.
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    Savannah H.
    Sat, 06/04/2016 - 01:01
    Savannah H.
    This qualifies as propaganda because it panders the breastfeeding mothers' insecurities and anxieties. This piece is absolutely beneficial because it's advertising women shouldn't have to hide any more to feed their children and that they shouldn't feel insecure about a natural occurrence. This propagandist sells the message by expressing that no one would make a women eat in a bacteria filled bathroom, so why should we make an infant do the same. The propagandist is emotionally appealing to people's pity and to social fears because it's trying to make people feel bad for the infants sake.

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