This is a poster released by the North Korean at the beginning of the 2018 Pyeong Chang Winter Olympics, persuading people about the unity of South and North Korea.



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Propaganda regarding the unity of South and North Korea

Background Information
After the war between the South and North Korea has ceased on July 27, 1953, people were banned to go across two countries - people in South Korea were not allowed to go beyond the Demilitarized Zone, and vice versa. After decades have passed, however, unity between the two countries seems viable.
Technique Used
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This is propaganda because
The following poster presented by North Korean includes the mascots of the 2018 Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic, held in South Korea, and contains persuasive comments such as, "Let's go to Kaesong, Let's go to the Mount Kumgang!" These places previously mentioned are currently banned for the South Koreans to go visit, however, it seems like they are now convincing other North Koreans to let South Koreans access to these places. This indicates the fact that North Koreans are now changing their mind and are more willing to accept the people from South Korea.


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