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Simps, Simps Never Change

Background Information
Not to be confused with simpleton, the word simp is colloquial term used nowadays as an insult. To be a simp means someone who overvalues women to the point of ignorance and would stand along side women even if they are in the wrong. Finding where the word derives from is difficult since the word seems to have come out of nowhere with no sign of the creator. Simps hurt our daily lives with their shenanigans and are always too stubborn to reason with.
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This is propaganda because
This verifies as propaganda because simps can become a danger if their numbers increase which can ruin the way our current society functions. By creating a common enemy we, the non-simps, can work together to stop simps from deteriorating our country into shambles. If more simps start to rise up it will upset the balance of power because simps will always choose women over reasoning which can affect the way we have votes and laws. Although a bit biased against simps, it is easy to see how simps can overthrow society just for a girl who won't even bat an eye to them.


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    Matt Lombardi
    Sat, 02/11/2023 - 15:49
    Matt Lombardi
    I think the beginning of this video is where it had lost my attachment to it. By the man saying "if you say even a nice thing to a woman, then you are a simp." I believe this can be harmful to boys of a young age, because they do as they hear. As a 22 year old, I find this to be sad, and makes me wonder if this man has said anything nice to his mother? Overall I did find this video to be way more harmful than beneficial.

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