Magazine Cover



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Star Celebrity Magazine - 'Divorce Shocker'

Background Information
The author/publisher of this magazine company is Star Magazine. The audience for this magazine cover are younger adults, aged 20-35, who are interested in celeb gossip. The purpose of this magazine cover is to get people to keep reading based on what they see on the cover. The eye catching big 'Divorce Shocker' title and the rather unflattering photo of Cameron Diaz catches the attention of passer byers in not the best way. The media for this would be in the form of a Magazine.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This is Propaganda because it is using these paparazzi photos of celebrities in a bad light just to sell probably false news about their lives. The fonts and dramatic wording are being used to stir a reaction from people to believe what is being said. As mentioned in Mind Over Media, "Propaganda is a form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of specified target audiences". This is true in the case of this article.
The magazine cover uses Pathos to get us to feel emotions in regard to what is being said about our favorite stars, as well as Kairos because they are putting this out likely when speculations of what is being written about is going around. I would argue this magazine cover does more harm than good because it does not create an inclusive environment and paints these celebrities lives as being something they are not, just for a profit.


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