Mental Illness



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Stop the Stigma; Support Mental Health Awareness

Background Information
This example of propaganda was found on Canva and is intended for anyone of any age to support and raise awareness for mental health. This message would be intended for anyone who comes across this because mental health can affect anyone at any age. The purpose and intended message from this poster/image is to raise awareness on this issue in hopes for everyone to come together and talk about mental health. It can without a doubt be under-looked and COVID-19 has definitely shined a light on the importance of mental health. I found this on Canva, however more specifically on a section that reads, "50 powerful examples of visual propaganda and the meanings behind them." As I go on social media pretty often, mental health stuck out to me due to the fact that it has importance on my own life as well.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
As defined in one example, propaganda is "one means by which large numbers of people are induced to act together." This picture holds the faith that individuals will come together to discuss the stigma of mental health together. By talking about personal subjects related to mental health, individuals can begin to work out of their comfort zones to hopefully sympathize and work together as a community. This image activates emotion because it is encouraging individuals to have those tough conversations with one another. This image is positively influencing public behavior/opinions by reinforcing the importance behind mental health and healthy support system(s). I would confidently say that this is a beneficial and a positive message to anyone that comes across this image.


  1. user-avatar
    Nathan Macomber
    Fri, 02/18/2022 - 03:59
    Nathan Macomber
    I really liked this example of propaganda. It is an example of when propaganda can be used for good. This example of propaganda works to bring people and community together. If this poster talked about persuading people to donate money to an organization just to reach their goal, this would be more of a un inclusive method of propaganda. The fact that this poster is aimed at helping people overcome their mental health shows it's a beneficial form of propaganda. My aim that this poster is more beneficial than harm does match with what others are saying.

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