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Thanksgiving Refugees
Background Information
This is an image created for social media to identify inconsistency in arguments for banning Syrian refugees in the US by comparing our lack of support for refugees with the Puritans who were escaping religious persecution in Europe.
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This is propaganda because
This is a direct response to arguments to prevent refugees from entering the US. It simplifies the concept of providing aid and calls out those opposed to refugees as hypocrites. It is mainly beneficial but does overlook the threat of terrorism.
The picture chosen for the post is colorful, made in classic art style and is showing natives and migrants cohabitating - no, natives being served and treated well by the migrants. This is opposite of the message written, and is subtly showing "the ideal that could be".
Is this post harmful or beneficial: no matter the personal stance, I must conclude the facts given (comparison of different eras) and linguistically, this post is not..well, not correct. Therefore it is harmful to the ideological stance of it's maker too, does not serve them as beneficial.
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