McDonalds Advert



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The thing you want when you order salad

Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
Personally, we think this is a perfect mixture of both responding to audiences' needs/values while also attacking opponents. They cater to the needs of fast food consumers, because perhaps they have an addiction already to fast food, and their advertisement is a general reminder of their addiction and how they will eventually need to get their fix again of McDonald's. It can possibly also go for non-fast food audiences, as they try to make an appeal for them to start an addiction to fast food by how they make it appear appealing. Now it can also be an attack on opponents, and in this case, it is any company or food market that is not the McDonald’s company. They highlight that a person who should eat salads and be healthier should actually go for their cheeseburger, as it tastes so much better and more satisfying. An advertiser making propaganda could possibly utilize the values and needs of someone when what they are trying to sell specifically draws from their personal desires and materialistic wealth. Then we think that activating strong emotions is the most powerful and the most dangerous. This can be because human emotions are typically the most vulnerable, as well as a very dividing factor for us humans, and negative propaganda that affects our emotions, can possibly incite negative and harmful outcomes.


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