think Big



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Think Big We Do - University of Rhode Island

Background Information
This form of propaganda is one I see almost daily as a student at URI. Our big motto is "Think big, we do" and it is on several signs all over our campus. This message gets perspective and current students to think about URI as a place that is limitless with big ideas and opportunities.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This message is primarily aimed at an audience that is considering a variety of schools for their college career. The message stands out to them because most of this audience is looking for a college that will provide them with whatever opportunities they could desire and never limit them. Deeper in the message, there is the idea that we are a smaller campus (which appeals to perspective students that like a smaller, closed campus) but we have more opportunity than some bigger colleges (which might appeal to those that are looking for a bigger campus for the opportunity).


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