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Thunderbird Commercial: Cut the Cord and Leave Home

Background Information
This is a 2007 Royal Enfield Commercial for Thunderbird motorcycles, which has won an award. The theme of this advertisement is "Leave Home" which has become a popular theme and adopted by other countries as well.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This advertisement symbolizes being independent and starting a new journey of discoveries by removing the umbilical cord. This ad gives the idea that mother is the reason behind the son's dependence. This theme is now being adopted by other countries


  1. user-avatar
    Nathan S
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 21:45
    Nathan S
    This message qualifies as propaganda because it portrays young adults being attached to their mothers until it is time to start their own life.This message is harmful in the way that it portrays children depending on their mothers still as teenagers. The propagandist sell this message by showing others on their own while one teenager is still attached umbilical cord of his mother.The emotional appeal present is one of social fears because the kid is the only person depending on his mother.

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