This is a picture of a billboard, on the billboard words write out "We Support: BLM" under these words is a picture of actor Samuel L. Jackson in a police officer uniform. Under the picture, words write out "Blue Lives Matter"



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We Support: BLM Blue Lives Matter

Background Information
This is a picture of actor Samuel L. Jackson surrounded by words saying "We Support BLM, Blue Lives Matter". The billboard is for Roman which is a business that sells and repairs pressure washers. To the left and right of the picture it has bullets of what Roman services.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
The message doesn't include a real police officer, it includes a picture of actor Samuel L. Jackson dressed as a police officer from one of his movies. The company is stating that they support Blue Lives Matter which is an attack to the movement Black Lives Matter in the case that there are no blue people. This is a harmful towards supporters of Black Lives Matter but maybe beneficial to the company because they want supporters of Blue Lives Matter.


  1. user-avatar
    Gena Anika
    Wed, 02/16/2022 - 00:57
    Gena Anika
    Why did you rate the example as you did? How does your rating compare to others? What's important here? What does this example demonstrate to you about the nature of contemporary propaganda?
    Great example of propaganda. I rated it harmful because they are trying to use the popularity of Samuel L. Jackson without his permission. It also uses the popularly coined term BLM but in the opposite parties favor (blue lives matter instead of black lives matter). I have a pretty good guess that this billboard was up during most of the police brutality cases and trails going around in the news and on social media. It is harmful for the opposing party to use the term BLM because it takes away from the intent of the term.

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